Renewable Energy Becomes Attraction for Investors

Semarang, 4 July 2023 – Electricity is not only the essential need for households, but also drives economic activity to a large industrial scale. In addition to the need for a reliable electricity supply, large-scale industries are starting to pay attention to the source of the electricity supply. In fact, for export-oriented industries, the production process needs to be carried out with minimal emissions in advance since the implementation of carbon footprint calculations on products exported to certain countries. This means that goods or components of goods produced n from fossil energy generation will receive a higher carbon tax.

Central Java Province, which is currently developing a number of regional industries, pays close attention to the development of alternative energy sources other than fossils. This was said by the Deputy Governor of Central Java, Taj Yasin Maimoen, in his remarks at the Central Java Renewable Energy Investment Forum 2023 which was organized by the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) in collaboration with the Central Java Energy and Mineral Resources Provincial Office, Tuesday 4 July 2023.

“The growth of industrial infrastructure is accompanied by high growth in energy needs. Currently it is not just energy, but energy that comes from new, renewable energy,” said Taj Yasin.

Taj Yasin added that Central Java has abundant potential for renewable energy, but its utilization has not been optimal. To drive the use of renewable energy, the Provincial Government of Central Java is promoting the installation of PV rooftops on government buildings.

“From the installation of rooftop PV in government buildings, it shows that there are 30-40% savings on electricity bills for the institutions that install them,” he said.

Previously, the Executive Director of IESR, Fabby Tumiwa, said that the availability of electricity from clean energy is the main attraction for investors to invest in one country.

“If we want to increase investment competitiveness, we must increase the availability of green energy. The supply of electricity from renewable energy is a new indicator for investors to invest their capital,” said Fabby.

Sakina Rosellasari, Head of the Central Java Investment and One-Stop Service Office (DPMPTSP), stated that Central Java is currently designing 23 projects to be offered to investors. Part of the project is related to the development of renewable energy.

“Investment interest is already approaching pre-pandemic times. We hope this meeting will improve communication and encourage investment realization in Central Java,” she said.

This trend is in line with the Indonesian Low Carbon Development study, that efforts to reduce GHG emissions must be carried out in an integrated manner in development plans to push Indonesia out of the middle-income country trap by ensuring economic growth of 5%.

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