Request for Proposal (RFP) – Communication Consultant for Developing A Strategic Communications Plan for Green Energy Transition in Indonesia (GETI)


Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), a think tank based in Jakarta, Indonesia, has been working intensively to promote the acceleration of low carbon energy transition in Indonesia, through evidence-based policy advocacy. Several activities conducted as our dedication on promoting energy transition discourse in Indonesia and has been working with national and local governments, associations, and civil society organizations.

Green Energy Transition Indonesia (GETI) is a project undertaken by IESR supported by British Embassy Jakarta since October 2024. GETI aims to strengthen the enabling conditions for rapid green electricity deployment, as indicated by the increased access to inclusive, reliable, and affordable low-carbon energy and increased number of low-carbon energy project investments in Indonesia. 

The project has two outcomes to meet the goal, which define the workstream GETI will be working on. The first is related to turning Indonesia’s Comprehensive Investment and Policy Plan (CIPP) for Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) into implementation, that is mobilised support to accelerate policy reform listed in the CIPP. And the second is setting up Indonesia Green Hydrogen Accelerator, which is an established green hydrogen market to support the Indonesian 2023 National Hydrogen Strategy

From the context above, this request for proposal is to obtain the best consultancy service available to provide IESR with a strategic communications plan on influencing the public, policymakers, and private sector to meet the designated outcomes. It is expected that the consultant develops the communication and advocacy plan following the Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound (SMART) principle within a three-year timeframe. The successful consultant will provide input on methods, milestones, content, and implementation strategies. The strategy must include the use of online tools and new media outlets, including collaboration with IESR’s existing social media accounts and website.

Proposal Timeline:

All required documents can be downloaded through this link (, and expected to be received to IESR until 17:00 p.m. Indonesian Western Standard Time (WIB, GMT+0700) on Friday, February 28, 2025. Any proposals received after this date and time will be regarded as inadmissible. All proposals must be signed by an official agent, top leader, or company representative submitting the proposal.

Bidders must submit a digital copy of their proposal via email to the GETI Project Manager at  and cc to and by 17:00 p.m. Indonesian Western Standard Time (WIB, GMT +0700) on February 28, 2024. Please include “RFP Response – Communication Consultant for Strategic Communications Plan for Green Energy Transition in Indonesia” in the subject line.



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