Study Report

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Study Report

Indonesia Solar Energy Outlook 2023

ISEO 2023 provides an update on the progress of solar PV as the primary energy source in Indonesia’s energy transition, as well as its challenges and market opportunities. We hope this report can become a primary reference for policymakers, regulators, financiers, and the public to get insight into solar PV development in Indonesia. Let’s make solar PV a driving force in Indonesia’s energy transition!

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Study Report

Indonesia Sustainable Finance Outlook (ISFO) 2023

The Indonesia Sustainable Finance Outlook (ISFO) 2023 is the Institute for Essential Services Reform’s (IESR) newest flagship research. It provides a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of sustainable financing in Indonesia, with a focus on the energy sector.

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Study Report

Financing Indonesia’s coal phase-out

A just and accelerated retirement pathway to net-zero.
This research uses a structured methodology to develop a feasible plan and associated financing needs for retiring Indonesia’s coal-fired power plant fleet in support of national 2050 net-zero emissions and the global 1.5ºC target.

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Study Report

Supporting National Economic Recovery through Power Sector Initiatives

This report seeks to provide analyses and recommendations on green recovery measures that Indonesia can adopt to recover its economy post-pandemic, particularly through power sector initiatives, i.e. rooftop solar photovoltaics (PV), given its deflationary cost as well as its quick-to-deploy and labor-intensive nature.

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Study Report

Redefining Future Jobs

This study aimed to explore the potential implications of the global and domestic climate and coal phase-out policies to the Indonesian economy, especially for the workers in the sector. It also aimed to examine the opportunities for economic transformation in coal-dependent regions and provide better welfare for workers.

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