Accelerating Renewable Energy in Central Java

Central Java plans to further develop renewable energy, with the Institute for Essential Services Reform actively collaborating on long-term planning. The Institute, together with the Central Java Government, organizes forums and activities such as “Central Java Renewable Energy Acceleration” to deepen understanding and encourage multi-stakeholder participation in the region’s energy transition.

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Reflection on Regional Government Authority for Energy Transition at the 2023 Regional Energy Forum

Jakarta, 7 November 2023 - The role of regional governments in accelerating the energy transition is expected to become increasingly significant. The Ministry of Home Affairs as the parent body that facilitates regional governments is trying to facilitate this need by issuing Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 11 of 2023 concerning additional concurrent government affairs in…

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Tempo | IESR: Indonesia Needs to Learn from Denmark, Australia, and the USA in Energy Transition.

Program Manager for Sustainable Energy Access at the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Marlistya Citraningrum, stated that Indonesia needs to learn from the experiences of several countries in energy transition. These countries include Denmark, Australia, and the United States, which already have islands with 100 percent renewable energy. Read more on Tempo.

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