ISEO 2023 Launch: Indonesia Needs Clear Targets and Effective Implementation to Develop Solar Energy

Jakarta, 27 October 2022 - The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) launched the Indonesia Solar Energy Outlook 2023 report. This report was originally part of the Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook (IETO) which has been routinely published every year since 2018. Starting this year, the solar energy section is made in a separate report to…

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press release

Having Slow Solar PV Development in 2022, Indonesia Needs to Push the Implementation of Supporting Policies

Fabby Tumiwa delivered his speech at the Shine Bright: Advancing G20 Solar Leadership event   Jakarta, 27 October 2022  – To achieve the target of a 23% renewable energy mix by 2025 and the energy system's decarbonization by 2060 or earlier, Indonesia needs to seriously improve and implement policies that encourage the development of renewable energy, especially…

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Shine Bright: Advancing G20 Solar Leadership Indonesia Solar Energy Outlook (ISEO) 2023 Launch and High-Level Conference

What: The event brings together policymakers at national and sub-national levels, business players, investors, and other important stakeholders to further commit their contributions to accelerate gigawatt-order of solar energy in Indonesia. IESR’s first flagship solar report, Indonesia Solar Energy Outlook (ISEO) 2023, will be launched during this event; highlighting the role of…

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Energi untuk Memasak Selama #dirumahaja: Tetap Nyaman dengan Energi Bersih Terbarukan 

PT Pertamina baru - baru ini merilis catatan adanya peningkatan konsumsi LPG nonsubsidi rumah tangga di wilayah DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, dan Banten secara signifikan (MOR III) dengan adanya penerapan kebijakan dan imbauan physical distancing oleh pemerintah demi mencegah penyebaran dan penularan #Covid19 lebih luas. Aktivitas di rumah, termasuk memasak, meningkat karena anjuran tersebut. …

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