Kompas.com | Story of Cooperation from Kuningan Using Renewable Energy, Transforming Cow Dung into Biogas and Installing Solar Power Plants

Who would have thought that cow dung, which is often considered inferior because it gives off an unpleasant aroma, could be transformed into biogas. Karya Nugraha Jaya Cooperation in Kuningan has successfully utilized cow dung into biogas which is used as production fuel.

Read more on Kompas.com.

Synergistic Movement is Crucial for East Kalimantan’s Energy Transition

Balikpapan, September 5, 2023 – The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) is collaborating with the Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy in Southeast Asia (CASE) program and the Office of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) of East Kalimantan Province to organize a series of East Kalimantan Energy Exploration events—the first workshop of this series held on Tuesday, September 5, 2023.

Director of Electricity, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Rachmat Mardiana, explained that renewable energy development could serve as a new economic driver in the Kalimantan region through the green and blue economy. This can be achieved by utilizing biodiesel, solar power, and other alternative energy sources already spread throughout the province. According to Rachmat, regional governments can support through the General Regional Energy Plan (RUED) under regional authority in developing renewable energy as stated in Law 23/2014 concerning regional governments.

“There are several regional issues in Kalimantan that need to be addressed. These issues include the dominance of fossil energy in electricity production, with only a small amount of renewable electricity generation. In addition, the development of the Indonesian capital city (IKN) requires the provision of renewable electricity. The electricity infrastructure in the region also needs attention as the Kalimantan interconnection system is not yet fully connected, and the extra high voltage transmission has not been connected to evacuate power generated throughout the region,” said Rachmat at the opening of the East Kalimantan Energy Exploration series.

To overcome this regional issue, continued Rachmat, implementing various policy measures that include creating small-scale, isolated grids (referred to as isolated mini-grids), providing eco-friendly and intelligent IKN electricity, developing smart electricity networks, and integrating electricity supplies with industries through the use of primary energy sources, encouraging the use of renewable energy, and developing interconnections between regions.

Direktur Ketenagalistrikan, Telekomunikasi, dan Informatika, Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, Rachmat Mardiana

A workshop session on the energy transition followed the event. Irwan Sarifuddin, the Coordinator of the Clean Energy Hub at IESR, mentioned the importance of a just energy transition. According to Irwan, regional governments need to consider the well-being of workers in coal-fired power plants (CFPPs) and those in supporting areas to transition successfully.

“We must make preparations to ensure that people are not left behind during the transition to energy. In 2022, IESR conducted a study called “Redefining Future Jobs,” which revealed that the profits gained by coal-producing regions are not proportional to the losses experienced by the local population. For example, losses from land degradation and health risks,” explained Irwan.

Agreeing with Irwan, the Energy Transition Advisor from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Indonesia, Yudiandra Yuwono, emphasized that in carrying out the energy transition, it is necessary to ensure the welfare of society. However, the energy transition process has many elements with various systemic constituencies.

“Some of the challenges of the energy transition include technological readiness, policy support, and acceptance by society itself. For this reason, all stakeholders play an important role in the energy transition,” said Yudiandra.

Furthermore, the workshop related to co-firing and biogas from representatives of IESR and the Office of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) of East Kalimantan Province has been held. Rahmat Jaya Eka Saputra, The Energy Transformation Staff of IESR, said PLN implemented co-firing technology at 36 CFPP locations out of a target of 35 locations during 2022. The PLN co-firing program produced 575.4 GWh of clean energy and reduced carbon emissions by 570 thousand tons of CO2 by utilizing 542 thousand tons of biomass.

“There are several advantages to using biomass as a co-firing fuel. Emissions can be significantly reduced by replacing a proportion of coal with biomass (usually between 20% and 50%). Additionally, carbon dioxide balancing can be achieved by planting new trees that absorb the carbon dioxide produced by the co-firing process. However, it is important to note that co-firing is considered a “transitional” fuel and cannot be relied upon as a long-term solution for meeting our energy needs,” explained Rahmat.

Sonny Widyagara Nadar, Young Expert Policy Analyst for the Office of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) of East Kalimantan Province, stated that the potential for biomass in East Kalimantan is around 936.14 MW and biogas is 150 MW. Thus, in total, the bioenergy potential is around 1,086.14 MW. With this potential, several uses of biomass and biogas have been carried out—for example, rice husks as fertilizer or biomass. There is also the use of biogas from livestock manure.

“There are several challenges in utilizing biogas from livestock manure, namely reaching the farthest areas that experience a shortage of LPG, increasing the scale of biogas for communal livestock, and downstream the use of biogas for community economic use,” explained Sonny.

Workshop Jelajah Energi Kalimantan Timur

In the next session, Fadhil Ahmad Qamar, CASE Program Staff of IESR, said that It is possible to transform palm oil mill effluent (POME) into electrical energy, which can be used as an alternative energy source. Fadhil estimates that 14 million hectares of land can produce 146 million tons of POME annually, which can then be processed into 35 million tons of crude palm oil (CPO) and 28.7 million tons of liquid waste. POME is typically treated in open ponds, undergoing anaerobic digestion and generating biogas.

“Using biogas from POME can significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, such as 26 million tonnes of CO2eq/year if 100 factories utilize it. However, financial and policy support is necessary to create a favorable investment climate to promote biogas from POME,” said Fadhil.

The first day of the East Kalimantan Energy Exploration activities ended with a workshop on preparing articles for the energy transition. During the workshop, Kurniawati Hasjanah, Communications Staff of IESR, highlighted the importance of using critical terms such as energy mix, carbon, and alternative energy in reporting on the energy transition. The coverage of the energy transition mainly focuses on reducing the carbon footprint in energy consumption and promoting the use of alternative energy. Journalists and citizen journalists can benefit from understanding these concepts to provide accurate and informative coverage.

“When journalists cover the energy transition, they usually begin by creating a frame of reference for their reporting. This involves determining the topic, angle, sources, and reference documents to be used, such as the NDC document, Electricity Supply Business Plan (RUPTL) 2021-2030, and Presidential Decree 112/2022. Additionally, a list of videos and photos may be necessary to guide photographers in capturing the necessary coverage,” said Kurniawati Hasjanah.

Energi untuk Memasak Selama #dirumahaja: Tetap Nyaman dengan Energi Bersih Terbarukan 

PT Pertamina baru – baru ini merilis catatan adanya peningkatan konsumsi LPG nonsubsidi rumah tangga di wilayah DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, dan Banten secara signifikan (MOR III) dengan adanya penerapan kebijakan dan imbauan physical distancing oleh pemerintah demi mencegah penyebaran dan penularan #Covid19 lebih luas. Aktivitas di rumah, termasuk memasak, meningkat karena anjuran tersebut. Menurut catatan Pertamina, terjadi peningkatan rata-rata konsumsi hingga 23% untuk produk LPG non subsidi Bright Gas 5,5 kg, dan 12 kg di wilayah Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka dan Kuningan. Menyikapi hal ini, pemerintah dalam berbagai kesempatan menyatakan bahwa pasokan LPG dipastikan tetap terjaga untuk mengantisipasi kenaikan permintaan dari masyarakat. 

Selain LPG, adakah sumber energi lain yang bisa kita gunakan untuk keperluan memasak di rumah?

Ada alternatif bahan bakar #cleancooking yang selain bersih, juga bisa memanfaatkan sumber energi terbarukan di sekitar kita, yaitu:


Biogas bisa didapatkan dengan memanfaatkan limbah dari kotoran ternak dan sampah/limbah organik yang kemudian difermentasi dan menghasilkan gas untuk menyalakan api pada kompor gas maupun kebutuhan penerangan. 

Mama Seni dari Sumba menggunakan biogas dari kotoran ternak dan bertani dengan slurry (produk sampingan dari biogas), beliau kini telah menjadi petani dan pengusaha perempuan yang sukses di desanya. Di Semarang, Ibu Suwanti menggunakan limbah tahu untuk usaha makanan rumahannya, yang selain menghemat biaya bahan bakar, juga membuat tetangganya senang karena tak lagi mencium bau limbah tahu yang kurang sedap. Dengan menggunakan biogas, kedua perempuan ini mampu menjadi pengusaha yang sukses dan menjadi panutan untuk masyarakat 

Jika ingin mengembangkan biogas mini rumahan yang cocok untuk Anda yang ingin punya biogas tapi tidak memiliki ternak, Yayasan Rumah Energi memberikan contoh penggunaan biogas rumah dalam skala kecil.

Tungku Sehat Hemat Energi (TSHE)

TSHE merupakan teknologi tungku bersih yang menyasar 40% rumah tangga di Indonesia yang masih menggunakan biomassa tradisional untuk memasak (misalnya kayu). Dengan menggunakan kayu cacah, pelet kayu, atau pelet serbuk gergaji; TSHE didesain untuk menghasilkan asap dan partikulat yang lebih sedikit, sehingga polusi dalam ruangan dapat berkurang. Kondisi memasak yang lebih bersih berdampak positif pada perempuan dan anggota keluarga lain, yang selama ini banyak mengalami gangguan kesehatan terkait pernapasan. TSHE juga memanfaatkan bahan organik buangan dari sekitar rumah, misalnya tempurung kelapa, sehingga dapat menghemat biaya energi rumah tangga. 

Sejak 2019, mitra IESR yang tergabung dalam Strategic Partnership Green and Inclusive Energy, yaitu Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia, juga telah melakukan program peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat tentang energi bersih di Jawa Tengah, termasuk salah satunya melatih dan memberdayakan rumah tangga lokal untuk memproduksi TSHE.  

Kompor Surya (Solar Cooker)

Solar cooker merupakan inovasi #cleancooking yang dikembangkan terutama untuk masyarakat di perdesaan yang kesulitan mengakses gas atau listrik, juga untuk mengurangi deforestasi atau penggunaan kayu bakar secara berlebihan. Dengan desain kompor yg memusatkan panas dari matahari, pengguna dapat memasak atau menghangatkan makanan di dalamnya. 

Kompor Listrik dan Kompor Induksi

Kedua jenis kompor ini juga merupakan salah satu pilihan #cleancooking, keduanya menggunakan listrik sebagai sumber energi. Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah daya dan kualitas listrik yang kita miliki, juga keamanan jaringan listrik di rumah; karena daya yang diperlukan kompor ini cukup besar (~1000 Watt).

Nah, lebih bagus lagi jika sumber energi listrik rumah kita berasal dari PLTS atap, agar sumber listrik untuk memasaknya juga bersih dan sekaligus hemat! Baca-baca dulu soal PLTS atap di sini ya:

Jaringan Gas Rumah Tangga (Jargas)

Jargas merupakan jaringan pipa yang dibangun dan dioperasikan untuk penyediaan dan pendistribusian gas bumi bagi rumah tangga. Jargas disalurkan ke rumah tangga dari sumber gas terdekat, sehingga meminimalkan distribusi. Selain itu, penggunaan jargas juga dapat mengurangi impor gas untuk LPG. Memang tidak setiap daerah dapat menjadi sasaran jargas. Informasi lebih lanjut bisa merujuk ke akun media sosial PT Pertamina dan PGN, yang mengoperasikan jargas di Indonesia.

Jangan lupa tetap berhemat energi di rumah ya! 


Salam hangat,

Institute for Essential Services Reform