press release

Comprehensive Power Plant Transition Strategy to Inform JETP’s CIPP

Deon Arinaldo, Manajer Program Transformasi Energi, IESR JAKARTA, INDONESIA | June 4, 2024 - The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Indonesia's energy transition and environmental think tank, and the University of Maryland's Center for Global Sustainability (CGS) launched two new studies focused on strategies for achieving a thriving clean energy transition in Indonesia. The first…

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Report Launching and Discussion : 1.5°C-aligned coal power transition pathways in Indonesia: additional strategies beyond the Comprehensive Investment and Policy Plan (CIPP)

Background Indonesia has ratified the Paris Agreement through Law no 16/2016. As a result, Indonesia is legally bound to contribute to the global struggle to mitigate the climate crisis through ambitious efforts and action in reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and limiting the increase of the average global temperature below 1.5 0 C. In…

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