Kompas | Not Just Talking About People in Jakarta

On 8-11 August 2023, Kompas Research and Development held an opinion poll regarding energy transition in Indonesia. When asked whether respondents were aware that the Indonesian Government was intensively carrying out energy transition activities from fossil to renewable energy, 65.7 percent answered that they did not know. However, when asked whether respondents knew about the issue of global warming which…

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Inspiring the Youth: CASE Indonesia Teaches the Importance of Energy Transition in Sekolah Bogor Raya

Bogor, 4 April 2023 - Project Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy for Southeast Asia (CASE) together with Sekolah Bogor Raya kicked off the long-awaited Teaching for the Future (T4F) Program which focuses on the importance of energy transition as a subject in formal education. CASE Teaching for the Future Program visited Sekolah Bogor Raya…

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Book Discussion “Jejak dan Langkah Energi Terbarukan Indonesia” or “Indonesia’s Renewable Energy Trails and Steps”

Book Discussion “Jejak dan Langkah Energi Terbarukan Indonesia” or “Indonesia’s Renewable Energy Trails and Steps”. This dynamic of renewables development in Indonesia has been covered by the media. Kompas, as one of the biggest media in Indonesia, has created many in-depth coverage writings on this topic. These daily in-depth reports are compiled in a book…

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