Welcoming the Gigawatt Order of Solar Energy with Readiness of Qualified Human Resources

Jakarta, 20 April 2022- One of the essential things in building a solar PV ecosystem in Indonesia is the readiness of its human resources. Measuring Indonesia's readiness to enter the gigawatt order, the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) held a webinar entitled…

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Sticks with Biofuel Policy

In recent years, the government has been aggressively encouraging the use of biofuel as one of the main alternatives to fuel oil. However, many constraints and impacts on the economic, social, and environmental side arise in this biofuel use program. The world’s biggest palm oil producer, and exporter, Indonesia, will push ahead with its ambitious…

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Signed the Global Declaration to Phase Out Coal, Indonesia Needs to Prepare a Coal Transition Roadmap

Jakarta, 05 November 2021- At the 26th World Leaders Summit on Climate Change or COP-26, Indonesia signed the Global Coal to Clean Power Transition declaration. On the same day, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arifin Tasrif, also stated that the government was reviewing the opportunity to early retire coal-fired power plants with a…

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JawaPos | IESR Dorong Pemanfaatan Batu Bara untuk Kebutuhan Domestik

20 Januari 2020, 18:23:46 WIB JawaPos.com – Direktur Eksekutif Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Fabby Tumiwa menyebutkan bahwa saat ini banyak negara yang berlomba-lomba untuk memanfaatkan cadangan batu bara. Pasalnya, saat ini sedang terjadi transisi dari pemanfaatan energi fosil menjadi energi terbarukan. “Ada transisi dari fosil fuel ke renewable (atau) energi terbarukan. Negara-negara yang menjadi tujuan ekspor kita beberapa…

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Percepatan pengembangan energi baru dan terbarukan (EBT) terus dilakukan

Kamis, 16 Januari 2020 / 21:00 WIB KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Upaya percepatan pengembangan energi baru dan terbarukan (EBT) terus dilakukan. Salah satunya dengan penerbitan Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) feed in tariff untuk menentukan harga jual EBT berdasarkan biaya produksi energi terbarukan. Sebelumnya, Kontan sempat mendapat draf Perpres harga penjualan PLTP, PLTA, PLTB, PLTS, PLTBg, PLTBm, dan PLTSa.…

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Indonesia’s Ahok bags top job at state energy giant Pertamina – is a return to politics next?

23 November 2019//9.00 Former Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, best known as Ahok, has been named the new president commissioner of Indonesian state energy giant PT Pertamina, sparking speculation of a return to politics following his jailing in 2017 for blasphemy. The Christian and ethnic Chinese politician, who was released in January after serving a…

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Solar Langka, Pengusaha Angkutan Tekor Rp800 Juta

Sabtu, 16 November 2019//10:35 FAJAR.CO.ID,SURABAYA– Dampak sulitnya mencari solar bersubsidi kian meluas. Di Surabaya, misalnya, banyak angkutan yang telat masuk Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak gara-gara bahan bakar langka. Banyaknya truk yang ketinggalan kapal menghambat arus pengiriman barang. Ketua Organda Khusus Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak Kody Lamahayu menjelaskan, ada beberapa jenis barang yang pengirimannya sedikit terlambat. Contohnya sembako,…

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