Public Discussion Making Energy Green and Low Carbon to Support Sustainable Growth: Advancing the Role of Civil Society in Southeast Asia Energy Transition Cooperation during Indonesia ASEAN Chairmanship 2023

Background After having the opportunity to host the G20 last year, this time Indonesia has taken the mantle of ASEAN Chairmanship in 2023, which was previously held by Cambodia. This is the fourth time for Indonesia to take the chairmanship position of ASEAN, where the core theme is “ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth”. Within this…

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Local Government Has a Great Potential to Develop Regional Bonds for Green Development

Apart from the APBN (National Income and Expenditure Budget) and APBD (Regional Income and Expenditure Budget), local governments can now innovate to finance its infrastructure spending, especially those related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), by issuing regional bonds and/or regional sukuk as a source of sustainable finance. Istiana Maftuchah, Representative of the OJK (Financial Services…

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JawaPos | IESR Dorong Pemanfaatan Batu Bara untuk Kebutuhan Domestik

20 Januari 2020, 18:23:46 WIB – Direktur Eksekutif Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Fabby Tumiwa menyebutkan bahwa saat ini banyak negara yang berlomba-lomba untuk memanfaatkan cadangan batu bara. Pasalnya, saat ini sedang terjadi transisi dari pemanfaatan energi fosil menjadi energi terbarukan. “Ada transisi dari fosil fuel ke renewable (atau) energi terbarukan. Negara-negara yang menjadi tujuan ekspor kita beberapa…

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