Just Transition Dialogue II: Aligning Civil Society’s Views and Intervention Strategies in Realizing a Just Energy Transition in Indonesia

Background Currently, the Indonesian government is drafting the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), which is a derivative of the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025-2045. The document will also be adjusted to the vision and mission of the elected president and vice president for the period 2024-2029. In the latest draft, Indonesia's energy transition policy…

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Youth Climate Conference 2024

Background Children born in 2020 will experience natural disasters 3.4 times more often than their grandparents born in 1960 according to Save the Children's 2020 study. These natural disasters will be linked to climate change, such as heatwaves, droughts, forest fires, flooding and crop failure. These conditions pose a serious threat to the environment that…

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Anticipating Fossil Energy Stranded Assets

Jakarta, May 31, 2024 - In the face of the climate crisis, the world is increasingly advocating for using renewable energy and pushing for reducing fossil fuel development and usage, particularly coal-fired power plants, which are significant contributors to carbon emissions. As a result, stakeholders must be prepared for the possibility of stranded assets in…

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Report Launching and Discussion : 1.5°C-aligned coal power transition pathways in Indonesia: additional strategies beyond the Comprehensive Investment and Policy Plan (CIPP)

Background Indonesia has ratified the Paris Agreement through Law no 16/2016. As a result, Indonesia is legally bound to contribute to the global struggle to mitigate the climate crisis through ambitious efforts and action in reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and limiting the increase of the average global temperature below 1.5 0 C. In…

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Launch of Report on Identifying Financing Needs for an Equitable Transformation of Indonesia’s Electricity Sector

Background As one of the largest coal consuming and producing countries, Indonesia is ranked 6th as a global greenhouse gas emitter with a share of 3.11% of total global emissions (Climatewatch, 2024). In 2020 alone, the energy sector became the largest contributor to emissions, following the forestry and land sectors that have almost always dominated…

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Report Launch Nusa Penida 100% Renewable Energy

Replay Event Background The Bali Provincial Government set a vision for 2023,2023,Bali Net Zero Emissions by 2045 in August 2023 supported by non-governmental organization partners. This vision covers the electricity, transportation, and climate entrepreneurship development sectors. This ambitious target can be achieved by the Bali Provincial Government through an effective and collaborative strategy and…

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