Kompas | “Off-grid” CFPP Not Yet Included in JETP Targets

The Just Energy Transition Partnership Secretariat or JETP officially opened the draft investment plan to receive input from the public. Observers believe that there is homework to do to reduce greenhouse gas emissions optimally, considering that the emission reduction target in the draft has not yet reached generators outside the electricity grid of the State Electric Company…

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Draft CIPP Targets 44 Percent Renewable Energy Mix by 2030

Jakarta, November 2, 2023 - The government has released the draft of the Comprehensive Investment and Policy Plan (CIPP) in the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) for public consultation on Wednesday (1/11/2023).  The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) has acknowledged some changes in the CIPP document, particularly the significant increase in the renewable energy…

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Jakarta Post | Donor Countries’ Aversion to Coal Retirement Could Render JETP ‘Meaningless’

The government has again expressed its doubt that the International Partners Group (IPG), a coalition of Western countries coled by the United States and Japan, is willing to help fund the retirement of Indonesia’s coal-fired power plants, which would signal a major setback to the country achieving its emissions reduction goal. Read more on Jakarta Post.

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Kata Data | JETP Investment Postponed Due to Lack of Consideration for Captive Coal-Fired Power Plants.

The investment in the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) is postponed because the government needs to take into account the coal-fired power plants independently built by industries and located outside the PLN network system or captive power plants. The JETP investment plan, which was previously targeted for August, has been pushed back to the end…

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press release

IESR and Ford Foundation Call for Centering Justice on Energy Transition Partnership

Jakarta, September 19, 2023 - The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) and Ford Foundation in Indonesia are calling on the government of Indonesia to emphasize the significance of centering justice in energy transition in Indonesia, especially through the Just Energy Transition Partnership or JETP.  The JETP is an innovative financing mechanism intended to accelerate…

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Kontan | Be Cautious of Debt Traps, Bambang Brodjonegoro Provides Input for the Implementation of JETP

Chairman of the Indonesia Clean Energy Forum (ICEF), Bambang Brodjonegoro, stated that Indonesia needs to negotiate with the parties involved in the fair energy transition cooperation scheme (Just Energy Transition Partnership/JETP). This pertains particularly to the funding composition, which is still predominantly in the form of loans because the grant amount is still quite minimal. Read…

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