Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook 2024: Tracking Progress of Energy Transition in Indonesia: The Trend and Transformation in Achieving Indonesia Net Zero Ambition

Background In 2023, through the presidential decree lifting the COVID-19 pandemic situation, it became a stimulus for economic recovery and national development to accelerate. Until the second quarter of 2023, economic growth in Indonesia was recorded at 5.17% (yoy) and showed economic strengthening in several regions in Indonesia. Meanwhile, Indonesia is projected to experience a…

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ASEAN is Still Relying on Fossil Fuel yet Has the Opportunities to Transform its Energy System

Jakarta, 9 February 2022 - ASEAN is one of the most populated regions in which the economy is growing and energy demand grows rapidly. Economic growth emerged at time when there was a global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To maintain economic development and energy demand growth, a cleaner energy system should be developed…

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press release

In 2022, Indonesia Needs to Strive in Pursuing Energy Transition Ecosystem Readiness

Jakarta, 21 December 2021 -  The unfavorable climate for renewable energy investment in Indonesia and inconsistent political commitments can hinder the achievement of the 23% renewable energy mix target by 2025. Until Q3 2021, the renewable energy mix is ​​still at 11.2%. The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) views that the Indonesian government needs…

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Indonesia’s Energy Transition Overshadowed by Government Uncertainty

Jakarta, December 21, 2021 - Closing 2021, the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) has launched its annual report entitled Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook (IETO) 2022. Since 2017, IETO - previously called Indonesia Clean Energy Outlook (ICEO), has consistently explained the development of the energy transition in Indonesia in various sectors as well as provided…

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