press release

Comprehensive Power Plant Transition Strategy to Inform JETP’s CIPP

Deon Arinaldo, Manajer Program Transformasi Energi, IESR JAKARTA, INDONESIA | June 4, 2024 - The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Indonesia's energy transition and environmental think tank, and the University of Maryland's Center for Global Sustainability (CGS) launched two new studies focused on strategies for achieving a thriving clean energy transition in Indonesia. The first…

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Workshop and Capacity Building for Media Phase 1

Recording Tahap 1 Background Indonesia, the world's largest archipelago, is faced with two major crises: climate change and the energy crisis. The impact of climate change is increasingly felt with the increasing frequency of natural disasters, such as floods, landslides and droughts. On the other hand, the energy crisis is characterized by a high dependence…

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Kontan | Here’s The Description of the Cirebon 1 CFPP Transaction will be Completed in the First Semester of 2024

The Cirebon 1 Coal Fired Power Plant (CFPP) will have its operational life shortened by seven years, and it is now expected to operate only until December 2035 instead of July 2042. The project has secured funding commitments from the Energy Transition Mechanism (ETM) scheme, and the transaction is expected to be finalized in the…

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