Launching of Report and Discussion on Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook 2023: Tracking the Progress of Energy Transition in Indonesia

Background In 2022, as the COVID-19 pandemic began to subside, the global economy began to return to normal. As a result of increased economic activity, energy demand has returned to growth to pre-pandemic levels. Several extraordinary events also occurred in 2022 that affected the energy commodity market, mainly the war conflict between Russia and Ukraine,…

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Peluncuran & Diskusi Laporan Perencanaan Sistem Tenaga Listrik yang Selaras dengan Persetujuan Paris

Siaran Tunda Pendahuluan  Indonesia telah meratifikasi Perjanjian Paris melalui UU No. 16/2016. Sebagai hasilnya, Indonesia terikat secara hukum untuk berkontribusi dalam perjuangan global perubahan iklim melalui upaya dan tindakan yang ambisius dalam memitigasi emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) dan membatasi peningkatan suhu global rata-rata di bawah 1,5 derajat C. Dalam salah satu hasil model iklim…

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Looking Closer to the Renewable Energy Development in the Industrial and Community Sectors in Central Java

Central Java, November 11, 2022 -  The Central Java provincial government is committed to supporting and encouraging renewable energy development from the industrial sector to the community level. It can be seen in several companies and villages implementing renewable energy in their environment. Renewable energy is generated from natural processes that are continuously replenished. Renewable…

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press release

Significant Roles of Subnational Governments to Lead the Decentralization of Energy Transition

Bali, 30 August 2022- The post-pandemic economic recovery by staying focused on making ambitious climate mitigation efforts through low-carbon development is a step that needs to be taken by local governments. The success of low-carbon development is also inseparable from planning for a just energy transition. The commitment of various parties, including local governments and…

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