press release

Policy Breakthroughs Will Accelerate the Takeoff of Indonesia’s Energy Transition

Jakarta, December 15, 2023 - The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) assesses that the energy transition is already in full swing in 2023, and it is ready to take off if the government can create the necessary supporting conditions. IESR comprehensively discusses the development of the energy transition and opportunities to accelerate the energy…

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Sub-National Energy Transition as The Acceleration of the National Energy Transition to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Jakarta, June 2023 - World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5 every year. This commemoration is carried out to increase public awareness regarding the importance of protecting and caring for the environment. However, current environmental conditions indicate  a worsening situation. This is evident from increasing temperature on Earth, which has the  potential to accelerate climate change. The…

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