press release

Having Slow Solar PV Development in 2022, Indonesia Needs to Push the Implementation of Supporting Policies

Fabby Tumiwa delivered his speech at the Shine Bright: Advancing G20 Solar Leadership event   Jakarta, 27 October 2022  – To achieve the target of a 23% renewable energy mix by 2025 and the energy system's decarbonization by 2060 or earlier, Indonesia needs to seriously improve and implement policies that encourage the development of renewable energy, especially…

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Shine Bright: Advancing G20 Solar Leadership Indonesia Solar Energy Outlook (ISEO) 2023 Launch and High-Level Conference

What: The event brings together policymakers at national and sub-national levels, business players, investors, and other important stakeholders to further commit their contributions to accelerate gigawatt-order of solar energy in Indonesia. IESR’s first flagship solar report, Indonesia Solar Energy Outlook (ISEO) 2023, will be launched during this event; highlighting the role of…

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press release

Significant Roles of Subnational Governments to Lead the Decentralization of Energy Transition

Bali, 30 August 2022- The post-pandemic economic recovery by staying focused on making ambitious climate mitigation efforts through low-carbon development is a step that needs to be taken by local governments. The success of low-carbon development is also inseparable from planning for a just energy transition. The commitment of various parties, including local governments and…

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Redefining Energy Access in Indonesia

Jakarta, 16 June 2022 - Energy is a primary necessity for all people. By having proper access to energy, people get the opportunity to improve their quality of life through education, social gathering, and even economic activity. Realizing its impact on human civilization, it needs serious attention, particularly in terms of its measurement and monitoring.…

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Sticks with Biofuel Policy

In recent years, the government has been aggressively encouraging the use of biofuel as one of the main alternatives to fuel oil. However, many constraints and impacts on the economic, social, and environmental side arise in this biofuel use program. The world’s biggest palm oil producer, and exporter, Indonesia, will push ahead with its ambitious…

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Energi untuk Memasak Selama #dirumahaja: Tetap Nyaman dengan Energi Bersih Terbarukan 

PT Pertamina baru - baru ini merilis catatan adanya peningkatan konsumsi LPG nonsubsidi rumah tangga di wilayah DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, dan Banten secara signifikan (MOR III) dengan adanya penerapan kebijakan dan imbauan physical distancing oleh pemerintah demi mencegah penyebaran dan penularan #Covid19 lebih luas. Aktivitas di rumah, termasuk memasak, meningkat karena anjuran tersebut. …

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JawaPos | IESR Dorong Pemanfaatan Batu Bara untuk Kebutuhan Domestik

20 Januari 2020, 18:23:46 WIB – Direktur Eksekutif Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Fabby Tumiwa menyebutkan bahwa saat ini banyak negara yang berlomba-lomba untuk memanfaatkan cadangan batu bara. Pasalnya, saat ini sedang terjadi transisi dari pemanfaatan energi fosil menjadi energi terbarukan. “Ada transisi dari fosil fuel ke renewable (atau) energi terbarukan. Negara-negara yang menjadi tujuan ekspor kita beberapa…

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Percepatan pengembangan energi baru dan terbarukan (EBT) terus dilakukan

Kamis, 16 Januari 2020 / 21:00 WIB KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Upaya percepatan pengembangan energi baru dan terbarukan (EBT) terus dilakukan. Salah satunya dengan penerbitan Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) feed in tariff untuk menentukan harga jual EBT berdasarkan biaya produksi energi terbarukan. Sebelumnya, Kontan sempat mendapat draf Perpres harga penjualan PLTP, PLTA, PLTB, PLTS, PLTBg, PLTBm, dan PLTSa.…

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Catatan Akhir Tahun: Energi Terbarukan Masih Terseok

Jakarta, 23 Desember 2019 “Kita butuh kepastian investasi, sekian tahun ke depan ada kejelasannya,” kata Gatot S Prawiro, Chief Bussines Development Maxpower Indonesia, satu pengembang energi terbarukan di daerah terpencil, memberikan pandangan. Dia mengingatkan, apapun regulasi yang pemerintah bikin, pengusaha dan pengembang energi terbarukan memerlukan konsistensi dan kejelasan aturan. Serupa dikatakan pendiri Xurya, pengembang surya atap,…

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