CNBC | Electricity Costs Should Lower in April, Says Expert

Executive Director of the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Fabby Tumiwa, explained that there is a possibility that the government will adjust the price of electricity, especially non-subsidized electricity, starting in April 2023. He estimates that the non-subsidized electricity tariff for the April-June 2023 period will likely decrease compared to the previous rate. Read more…

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Pengamat Usul Pemerintah Kerek Tarif Listik demi Keuangan PLN

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Pemerintah perlu menyesuaikan tarif listrik pelanggan PT PLN (Persero). Hal itu dilakukan untuk menjaga kondisi keuangan perseroan yang hingga kuartal III 2018 lalu mencatatkan rugi buku Rp18,48 triliun akibat pelemahan kurs. Padahal, pada periode yang sama tahun lalu, perseroan masih mencetak laba Rp3,05 triliun. Direktur Eksekutif Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR)…

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