press release

Exploring Early Termination of Coal Power Plant Operations

Jakarta, November 15, 2023 - The government is taking steps on Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 112/2022 concerning the Acceleration of Renewable Energy Development for Electricity Supply by drafting a road map for the operational termination of coal-fired power plants. The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) views preparing a road map for the early termination…

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Telling Energy Stories Through Comedy

Jakarta, 16 November 2023 - Effective communication is important to change the paradigm and spread the energy transition narrative. Quite complex and cross-sectoral issues make energy transition communication challenging. For this reason, it is necessary to look for alternative forms of communication to pave the way for spreading the energy transition narrative. The Clean, Affordable,…

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Implementing the Energy Transition: Policies in Colombia, Germany, India, Indonesia and South Africa

Background The Global Stocktake is clear: All countries need to raise their ambition to curb their emissions effectively, to a degree that is fair to their development status. But ambitious targets are not sufficient on their own; policies need to be in place and be implemented effectively. Climate Transparency’s new Climate Policy Implementation Check has been…

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