press release

INDONESIA-CHINA Energy Transition Cooperation, First Of Its Kind High-Level Dialogue

INDONESIA-CHINA Energy Transition Cooperation, First of its kind high-level dialogue to advance renewable energy cooperation between Indonesia and China   26 September 2023 – The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (CMMAI) of the Republic of Indonesia conducted a first of its kind high-level dialogue between Indonesia and China officials to deepen cooperation between…

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Workshop the Calculation of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission and Budget Tagging

To achieve the ambitious target of reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in accordance with the Paris Agreement, Indonesia released the Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) document which states the emission reduction target is 31.89% (with its own efforts) and 43.2% (with support internationally) in 2030. In more detail, the National Medium Term Development Plan Document…

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Kata Data | JETP Investment Postponed Due to Lack of Consideration for Captive Coal-Fired Power Plants.

The investment in the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) is postponed because the government needs to take into account the coal-fired power plants independently built by industries and located outside the PLN network system or captive power plants. The JETP investment plan, which was previously targeted for August, has been pushed back to the end…

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