The Central Java MEMR Office Involves IESR in the Drafting of the Strategic Plan 2024 – 2026

Semarang, 1 March 2023 – The Energy and Mineral Resources of Central Java Province involved the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) as a participant in the Regional Forum for Drafting Strategic Plans Document for 2024-2026. This activity was held at the ESDM Office of Central Java Province, opened with remarks by the Head of the Central Java Energy and Mineral Resources Office, Sujarwanto Dwiatmoko and attended by representatives of Commission D DPRD Central Java Province, Secretary General of the National Energy Council, representatives of Regional Government Organizations (OPD) district/city level of Central Java Province as well as several related stakeholders.

Sujarwanto Dwiatmoko believes that the involvement of various stakeholders in regional forums is very important in the basis of regional policies. In addition, the issuance of a Presidential Decree regarding Regional Strengthening on New and Renewable Energy (NRE) has become the mainstay of development and enthusiasm for Central Java to build an energy transition with the people. The people collectively are expected to be able to realize an independent supply of energy to achieve energy sovereignty.

The meeting discussed four strategic issues and development priorities for the Central Java region for 2024-2026 related to the EMR sector, namely 1) A resilient economy that is competitive and sustainable, 2) Human Resources who are competitive, characterized and adaptive, 3) Resilient Natural Resources and environment, 4) Dynamic governance.

Sujarwanto added, there are several points that need to be emphasized in strategic issues such as a strong economy, Central Java human resources that are competitive, characterized and adaptive.

“The economy is resilient, meaning that in our resilience we do not only have competitiveness, but also have a sustainable orientation. In addition, Central Java human resources must have character, be able to adapt and have a plan in dealing with disruptive changes; full of uncertainty, vulnerability and complexity, on a national and global scale,” he continued.

He also emphasized strategic issues for aspects of natural resources and the environment which included one aspect of energy security

“On the aspect of energy security, especially renewables in Central Java, its development must be accelerated, there must be agreement from all elements and the state must be involved in it. This requires a shift in perception and high mindset regarding NRE from many parties,” he explained again.

He also explained about the four focuses of regional energy security which include 1) Availability of energy sources, 2) Affordability of energy investment costs, 3) Ability to access energy (accessibility), and 4) Public acceptance of energy (acceptability).

Furthermore, Sujarwanto said that the MEMR Office of Central Java Province emphasized that the three-year development would move towards realizing a competitive economy.

“Energy for economy, energy for productivity”. This means that the energy currently available in society is not only enjoyed for lighting, but must also be utilized to increase their productivity. The more people per capita consume electrical energy, the more productive they will be,” he said.

Energy independence at the community level continues to be encouraged through the Desa Mandiri Energi (DME) – Energy Independent Village program initiated by the ESDM Office of Central Java Province. This program utilizes the potential of local energy sources owned by each district/city in Central Java Province to promote energy independence and sovereignty. Data shows that 2,353 villages or 27.48% of 7,809 villages in Central Java already have energy independence initiatives and are included in the Energy Independent Village category. There are around 36 energy assistants who will be placed in districts/cities to strengthen Central Java’s independent energy village and energy sovereignty.

Through the DME program, Central Java is determined to have energy transition with the people and 60% of the energy will be generated from the people who are in the district/city area. There are two things that will be encouraged in this program, namely increasing public awareness and developing renewables in areas and remote areas, such as the construction of biogas, micro hydro, Biogenic Swallow Gas (BSG) and agricultural pumps that are converted using solar equipped with batteries or Solar Water Pumps.

Imam Jauhari, representative of the Bappeda Cilacap, agreed that energy for the people’s capacity is very important. Agreeing with him, Sri Hartini, representative of Commission D DPRD Central Java Province, believes that the solar water pump program will be able to help with community problems.

“Our hope, of course, is that the synergy between OPD will be well established, for example overcoming the problem of flooding in the community means that the Energy and Mineral Resources Office synergizes with PSDA. Then from the provincial, district/city governments must really coordinate to meet the needs of the community” – said Sri Hartini.

Apart from that, Wahyudin Noor Aly, representative of Commission D DPRD Central Java Province also asked

Even though the potential that exists in Central Java must be encouraged and increased to pursue and achieve the target of Central Java’s energy mix. According to him, the rapid development of technology and the high potential of natural resources in Central Java, are still faced with a lack of energy conservation practices.

“We (the region) must allocate a special budget for independent energy, so that this energy can be enjoyed by all residents of Central Java. One village can make their own energy, use it themselves, pay for it themselves, this will be cheaper,” added Wahyudin Noor Aly

According to Wahyudin Noor Aly, the MEMR needs to make a breakthrough and take the lead in opening up opportunities to attract many investors. Problems that exist in the regions and districts/cities need to be based on the Strategic Plan and Long-Term Plan. Thus, the involvement of all stakeholders and district/city offices plays an important role in determining the design of the Strategic and Long-term Plan of the Central Java Province ESDM Office.

On the other hand, IESR will fully support the energy transition program in Central Java Province. In the DME program, IESR will be involved in providing knowledge packages to energy assistants in 35 districts/cities through capacity building activities. Through this capacity building activity, in addition to increasing knowledge, they can also build awareness, mindset and perception of the community to explore opportunities and take advantage of the potential of renewable energy sitting in the area.

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