Understanding What Carbon Footprint Is So You Can Close the Source of Carbon Footprint

In recent times, the term carbon footprint has become quite a trend because more and more people are talking about it. But do you, Essentials Friends, understand what a carbon footprint is? Check out some explanations to get to know the carbon footprint.

In simple terms, a carbon footprint is the amount of emissions produced from various human activities. Did you know that almost all human activities produce a carbon footprint, even activities that you think have nothing to do with carbon emissions such as eating. That’s right, eating activities also produce emissions, especially from the food production process, even the livestock process (for animal protein products).

In addition to food, daily activities in households that involve the use of electricity also leave a carbon footprint. The choice of transportation we choose every day will also determine the size of the carbon footprint we leave.

A high carbon footprint is the cause of global warming and climate change, the events and impacts of which we are currently feeling more and more often, such as chaotic weather patterns, extreme weather, and hydrometeorological disasters such as floods and landslides.

To prevent global warming from increasing, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has set a maximum limit for global temperature increases of no more than 1.5 degrees this century, as stated in the Paris Agreement. To achieve this goal, each country that signs the Paris Agreement is required to collect its country’s emission reduction commitments, which are stated in a document called the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). The NDC document will contain a country’s emission reduction targets through its own efforts and with international assistance.

As individuals, we can also contribute to reducing individual emissions. Individual actions carried out collectively and massively will also contribute to the amount of emissions that are successfully reduced. The first step to reducing personal emissions is to calculate the carbon footprint that we produce with our current lifestyle (business as usual). Currently, various personal carbon emission calculators are available, one of which is jejakkarbonku.id/kalkulator. Fill in your habit data truthfully. If the input data entered is manipulative, it will affect the results which do not reflect the actual situation.

From the results of this initial calculation, we can then determine the target for reducing personal emissions. Jejakkarbonku.id provides recommendations for action commitments that can be taken based on the initial data entered.

Let’s calculate your carbon footprint now at jejakkarbonku.id!

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