Youth Voices for Climate

Jakarta, July 27, 2024 – Children born in 2020 will experience disasters more often than previous generations. Rising global temperatures trigger climate-related hydrometeorological disasters such as floods, landslides, and tidal floods, which are projected to occur more frequently. This will lead to an increase in the phenomenon of climate refugees and other hydrometeorological disasters.

Young people as agents of change and future leaders have an important role in the sustainability of the earth’s future. The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) in collaboration with a number of civil society organizations, namely the Indonesia Cerah Foundation, Koaksi Indonesia, Humanis Indonesia, the Madani Berkelanjutan Foundation, Wahana Visi Indonesia, and Generasi Energi Bersih held a Youth Climate Conference on Saturday, July 27, 2024, to provide a forum for young people to express their aspirations about climate.

Rena Hutabarat, a youth representative who delivered the declaration, stated that young Indonesians are often said to be a vulnerable group that will be affected by the climate crisis. Therefore, it is important for young people to be involved in the policy-making process.

“Involvement in policymaking will be a means for us to voice our concerns and aspirations, so that intergenerational climate justice can be realized,” said Rena.

Fabby Tumiwa, Executive Director of IESR also emphasized that the voice of each individual in climate change mitigation actions is very important.

“Individual voices and actions are important in climate change mitigation and adaptation actions. In addition to voicing aspirations, individual actions such as saving energy will also contribute to efforts to reduce emissions,” said Fabby.

Sharon Sitania, Gadis Sampul 2020, who attended YCC 2024 emphasized the importance of ensuring the involvement of young people, especially young women, in climate change advocacy.

“The participation and involvement of young women in the formulation of climate policies will result in more inclusive policies. This is not only important for young women but also for future generations for the sake of intergenerational justice,” she said.

This event gave birth to the Youth Declaration for Climate and Energy Transition containing concrete commitments and recommendations for the government and industry in encouraging a clean energy transition towards Indonesia Emas 2045. Some of the aspirations conveyed were:

  1. Reducing dependence on fossil fuels to mitigate the climate crisis and create clean air without pollution from coal combustion
  2. Utilization of renewable energy and increasing energy access in remote areas.
  3. Implementation of a just energy transition to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase national energy resilience, and create new jobs.
  4. Ecosystem protection and restoration through the implementation of policies that support adaptation to climate change
  5. Involving young people in formulating policies related to the climate crisis and a just energy transition, and providing opportunities for young people to learn and contribute as agents of change to achieve net zero emissions by 2060 or sooner.

The Youth Climate Conference is a series of events to welcome Indonesia Sustainable Energy Week (ISEW) 2024.

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