Shahnaz Nur Firdausi

Energy and Climate Analyst

As a Energy and Climate Analyst at IESR, Shahnaz Nur Firdausi focuses on  renewable energy and carbon emission reduction as climate change mitigation efforts in the energy sector. Shahnaz hopes that her works could support the nation’s commitment to decarbonization to address climate emergencies and achieve the net zero-emission (NZE) target.

Prior to joining IESR, Shahnaz worked at two international organizations namely the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE). During her employment at ACE, Shahnaz was a lead author for an op-ed entitled “Indonesia’s needs a holistic approach to sustainable bioenergy”, published by The Jakarta Post. She also contributed to an op-ed related to the use of Industrial Revolution 4.0 (4IR) technologies for climate change mitigation and a policy brief about green jobs in ASEAN.

Shahnaz has completed a bachelor’s study in Biology and a master’s study in Bio-management from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) through a fast-track program. Her academic research is closely related to sustainability and climate change issues. In 2018, Shahnaz participated and delivered her research about mangrove forest carbon stock estimation at an international event namely Training Workshop on Low Carbon Development Opportunities in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

In addition to her enthusiasm in the area of climate and energy, Shahnaz is experienced in small business development i.e. coffee roastery. Moreover, she was a semi-finalist in a business plan competition hosted by DOW Chemical Company in 2016. Also, Shahnaz has growing interests in baking, painting with acrylic paints, and cycling.

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