What role for clean hydrogen towards climate neutrality? The perspective of international think tanks
Many countries and companies worldwide have committed to net-zero targets/climate neutrality by the middle of this century or soon after. With their declining costs, wind and solar power will play a fundamental role in driving this transformation towards net-zero emissions in the energy systems worldwide. The current trend towards electrifying transport, heating, and industry also represents a unique opportunity for a clean energy transition across sectors. Along with key options such as powerfuels (green hydrogen), this trend helps integrate ever greater shares of variable renewables and accelerate the decarbonisation of the wider energy system.
This think-tank roundtable will provide insights on climate-neutral strategies, pathways, and actions, including the possible role of green hydrogen from the point-of-view of a network of leading energy transition think-tanks. Experts from Japan, South Korea, Germany, South Africa and Indonesia will present national roadmaps to decarbonize the energy sector, discuss the role of electrification and hydrogen towards a climate-neutral future, as well as address the economic benefits and challenges of the transition in the context of the post-COVID recovery.
The two-hour online event will be held in English and includes a Q & A session