Making Coal Transition Feasible: Insights on How to Early Retire Coal-Fired Power Plants and Its Context in Indonesia

IESR x Carbon Tracker Initiative Present Energy Transition (Online) Sharing Session Episode 4:

Making Coal Transition Feasible: Insights on How to Early Retire Coal-Fired Power Plants and Its Context in Indonesia

The six keywords above become the subject of IESR’s fourth sharing session on energy transition. Making and accelerating the coal-to-clean energy transition in G20 countries, Indonesia is amongst, feasible and rapid over the next decade, is crucial in keeping the Paris Climate Agreement’s temperature targets within reach. A recent study by Rocky Mountain Institute, the Carbon Tracker Initiative, and the Sierra Club found that long-term contracts of coal projects and non-competitive tariffs for renewables are among the most two key barriers that cause the slow pace of coal phaseout. An integrated three-part approach of refinancing to fund coal transition, reinvesting in clean energy, and providing transition financing mechanisms would make the transition feasible and speedy.

Therefore, there are at least four follow-up questions to further discuss in the fourth episode of IESR’s energy transition sharing session. What is the economic case and opportunity to substitute coal capacity with new renewable plants with storage? In circumstances where coal remains competitive, will the proposed three-part approach still work? How financial instruments make the coal-to-clean transition feasible and just? What will be the financial pathway(s) to phaseout coal in Indonesia?

IESR in collaboration with Carbon Tracker Initiative would like to invite you to the webinar on this topic which will be held on:

Date: Tuesday, 04 August 2020
Time: 13.30 - 15.00 WIB
Online Event: Via Zoom and Live stream on Youtube IESR Indonesia


PanelistOrganizationPresentation Materials
Matthew Gray Managing Director of Carbon Tracker InitiativeInsight on how to early retire coal-fired power plants and the context in Indonesia
Fabby TumiwaExecutive Director, Institute for Essential Services ReformDynamics of Coal Transition in Indonesia: The Economic, Power, and Climate Perspectives


  • Rida Mulyana – Director-General of Electricity, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
  • Arthur Simatupang – Chairperson of Indonesian Private Electricity Producers Association (APLSI)

Host by:

Erina Mursanti, Program Manager of Institute for Essential Services Reform

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