The Ambition Call: Writing Competition

Winners announced:


In 2015, 194 countries agreed to a Paris Agreement that limits the temperature increases below 2oC. The IPCC Special Report 1.5oC published in October 2018 describes various effects of global warming on human health, food security, ecosystems, etc; therefore, countries have to limit the temperature increases below 1.5oC. Through the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) submitted by Indonesia’s Government to UNFCCC in 2016, Indonesia has committed to reducing the GHG emissions by 29% (unconditionally) or 41% (with international assistances) by 2030.

In order to increase the ambitions and accelerate actions of countries that have committed to contribute to the Paris Agreement, UN Secretary-General António Guterres invite all country leaders to UN Climate Action Summit in New York on September 23, 2019. It is expected that the leaders could present the concrete and detail plan of their efforts in achieving the NDCs.

In addition to the interests of international diplomacy, the Government of Indonesia needs to commit to reducing GHG emissions because empirical evidence shows that climate change has a severe impact on economic growth. These costs will increase even more if there are delays in responding to climate change. Therefore, comprehensive efforts are needed to address global climate change.

Indonesia’s transformation towards a low carbon economy must be aligned with efforts to reduce GHG emission. IESR sees that the public’s role is important in providing pressure to encourage Indonesian leader to attend the UN Climate Action Summit and to state concrete and realistic planning to reduce GHG emissions so that Indonesia can avoid a heavier economic burden because of global temperature increases.

Whereas citizen journalism currently has a role in stimulating public discussion, blog competition could speedier citizen journalism to grow. Specifically, this creative blog competition aims to:

  • As a trigger in raising public awareness and curiosity about climate change issues and efforts to meet NDC targets;
  • Making climate change and NDC targets more popular and accepted by the general public

Please refer to the Term of References for complete guidelines and eligibility to participate and please kindly complete the form below to enter the competition.


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