Arief Rosadi

Climate Diplomacy Coordinator

As the Coordinator of the Climate Diplomacy Project at IESR, Arief is responsible for planning and implementing climate diplomacy activities in the Southeast Asia Region. He has fiery passion and extensive experience related to Climate diplomacy which he has built since he was in college.

Prior to joining IESR, Arief worked as a Policy and Technical Officer at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in collaboration with GIZ under the Climate Governance Project for 2 years and 3 months. During his time in the government, Arief assisted the activities of the Secretariat of Indonesia National Focal Point (NFP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), including administrative, substance, and technical assistance. Including being involved in the preparation of Indonesia’s Submissions and Position Paper for the Bonn Climate Change Conference 2019 (Germany), COP-25 (Madrid, Spain), designing the Indonesia Position Paper matrix for COP-26 (Glasgow, the United Kingdom), as well as being involved in multilateral processes and other regions related to climate change such as the ASEAN Working Group on Climate Change (AWGCC), The Cartagena Dialogue, and the G-77.

Arief received professional training on climate negotiations in Bangkok in 2020, “The ASEAN Negotiators’ Group on Agriculture (ANGA) Meeting and UNFCCC Negotiations Training” organized by the ASEAN Climate Resilience Network.

Before entering the practical world, Arief worked as an Assistant Lecturer for 3 years at The University of Padjadjaran (Bandung) as well as a Climate Policy Advisor to the University of Al-Ghifari (Bandung) in developing capacity-building programs related to climate change and providing substantial assistance in designing short diplomatic courses on G- 20 Environmental Ministerial Meeting-Climate Sustainability Working Group (CSWG).

He holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in International Relations from The University of Padjadjaran.

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