Rakanda Alfatah Rachmad
Digital Desainer
Raka works as a digital designer at IESR to provide support in all things visual to help IESR accelerate the energy transition. Previously, he worked as a designer at an organization called Desantara that works on environmental issues.
After earning his bachelor’s degree in Visual Communication Design from Paramadina University, he pursued his passion for social issues and visuals by directing several documentaries. Recently, Raka directed a documentary entitled “Cerita dari Sulawesi” which was aired on the Watchdoc Documentary youtube channel, he tried to tell about the practice of depriving small communities of their living space through the complex regulation of extractive industries. For him, film or audio visual is the most effective medium to convey messages not only in terms of stories but also various details that are often not realized by the audience.
Reading books and discussing are mandatory things to fill his spare time.