High Call to Global Leaders: Indonesia Civil Society View on Climate Crisis
The IPCC Synthesis Report, published in 2018, clearly states that we only have about 10 years (2020-2030) to transform development so that the earth’s surface temperature reaches an average of 2100 in the range below 2 degrees so that life is maintained.
The commitments from various countries as outlined in the Paris agreement are still far from expectations. The global aggregate report of country commitments reported in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) is around 3.3 degrees Celsius. Therefore, the mobilization of stakeholders, including the public, is important to push for an ambitious and progressive commitment.
The Indonesian government itself has implemented an emission reduction target by 2030 of 29% with its own efforts, and 41% with international support which has been submitted as a Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) commitment to the UNFCCC as part of the global Paris Agreement (2015). Furthermore, this commitment is nationally translated into policies in various sectors, including energy, transportation, industry, land and forestry as well as waste management.
The dialogue carried out by IESR, Yayasan Madani Sustainable, ICLEI Indonesia, WALHI and Thamrin School on 9 April showed that ambitious action might be taken by Indonesia before 2050. Various possibilities were rolled out together with other countries and non-state actors to transforming its low-carbon, equitable and sustainable economy in line with what was agreed in the Paris Agreement.
The seriousness and partisanship of the urgency of the climate crisis and its various solutions to various stakeholders is an effort that must be carried out and demonstrated by world leaders consistently with content that is easy to understand even by the public. This is important because in the end, our success in getting out of the crisis depends on changes in low emission behaviour that are carried out consistently both at the level of policy and implementation, as well as in the daily activities of citizens.
This dialogue is designed comprehensively with a continuous flow aimed at all world leaders and stakeholders, especially the forty world leaders who will attend the “Biden Summit”, 22-23 April 2021. In particular, the TS Climate Summit aims to:
(1). Delivering the views of Indonesian civil society represented by forty representatives of Indonesian civil society organizations, communities and individuals regarding the urgency of the climate crisis and the importance of taking sides with world leaders.
(2). Inviting other stakeholders to become part of the movement to continuously voice their aspirations
This activity will target policymakers, researchers, practitioners both government and non-government agencies, and individuals who are interested in the issue of the climate crisis and various other related policies.
This dialogue will be held in six sessions which will be divided into two discussion groups: first, discussion of views on the importance of a long-term strategy (LTS) that is ambitious, progressive and carried out through a process that is transparent and inclusive of all stakeholders. This discussion will invite qualified speakers especially those related to the energy sector, land use, land change and forestry and urban areas.
Second, statements and commitments from state actors represented by organizations, communities and individuals in responding to the climate crisis. The statement will be conveyed regarding the views, commitments and expectations which will be followed by responding to the questions guided by the moderator.
Introduction to the Summit
Farhan Helmy, Thamrin School of Climate Change and Sustainability
Ministry of Foreign Affairs*
United States Embassy to Indonesia *
Session 1
1. Fabby Tumiwa (IESR)
2. Hariadi Kartodiharjo (Professor of the Faculty of Forestry, IPB)
3. Nur Hidayati (WALHI)
4. Andri Wibisana (Professor of Anthropocene, Climate Change and Law, UI)
5. Ahmad Arif (Kompas)
6. Dino Patti Djalal, TBC
Chair: Mas Ahmad Santosa *
Session 2
This session will present narcotics who will provide views and statements grouped into various issues and stakeholders: vulnerable groups, sustainability science and the role of universities, resilience and disaster risk reduction, economy, investment and the role of non-state actors; Religion, belief and culture.
The Paris Agreement agreed by all world leaders at the 21st High Summit (COP) in 2015 clearly states that efforts to reduce global emissions to a limit that are not harmful must also be implemented.
pay attention to vulnerable groups: children, women, indigenous/local communities, persons with disabilities and various other groups. This vulnerable group is the most affected because of limited economic access and capacity to face various disruptions, including climate change.
1. Aden Muhamad (Disability Activist)
2. Atnike Sigiro (Women’s Journal)
3. Melisa Kowara (Representation of Extinction Rebellion)
4. Ina Juniarti (Bandung System Dynamic Bootcamp / BSDB)
5. Mina Setra (Indigenous People of the Archipelago / AMAN)
6. Didi Yakub (phi-LAB for social movement and innovation)
7. Anis Hidayah (Migran Care), TBC
Chair: Sita Supomo (Thamrin School of Climate Change and Sustainability)
Co-chair: Pardi Pay, (Forest Watch Indonesia) *
Science plays an important role in keeping decisions about the response to the impact and likelihood of the climate crisis based on science. The role of tertiary institutions and various research institutions is very significant and strategic for continuous men
1. Edvin Adrian (Member of the IPCC)
2. Jan Sopaheluwakan (LIPI)
3. Riyanti Jalante (ASEAN Secretariat) *
4. Perdinan (IPB University)
5. Hendra Gunawan (Professor of Mathematics ITB)
6. Yanuar Nugroho (ALMI) *
7. Karlina Soepeli (STF Drikarya) *
8. Mia Siskawati *
9. Akhmad Riqqi (Geodesy and Geomatics, ITB)
Chair: Giorgio Indarto
Co-Chair: Farah Sofa *
The accumulation of exploitative and extractive development activities in the past has had an impact slowly and surely. Extreme weather, rainfall with high intensity and frequency, floods, droughts, sharing of diseases triggered by changing earth surface temperatures are among the impacts we have felt for some time. Actions that must be carried out should be a comprehensive unit of mitigation, adaptation and institutional capacity building and the readiness of residents, especially in urban areas. Nearly more than 50% of the population lives in urban areas, and it is estimated that this will continue to grow. Focusing on urban areas is a strategic intervention both in reducing emissions and building resilience.
1. Andi Simarmata (IAP)
2. Ari Mochmad (ICLEI Indonesia)
3. Ahmad Safrudin (KPBB)
4. Gita Syahrani (District Meeting Circle)
5. Dian Afriyanie (Lokahita)
6. Irma Hidayana (Guard Covid) *
7. Jonathan Lassa (Charles Darwin University) *
8. Laode Syarief (Partnership)
Chair: Eka Melisa (Thamrin School)
Co-chair: Torry Kuswandono (Pikul Association)
Credible research shows that the economic and social losses are very significant. The WEF report (2019) even puts the impact of the climate crisis in second place in terms of global risk. On the other hand, various actions through various programs and projects have shown the hope that low-carbon emission economic practices provide new opportunities for economies that are resilient, not wasteful and sustainable. An economic framework that places its activities within the limits of natural resources is a necessity. Of course, running it consistently must also be supported by the development of various funding instruments that open up wide space for green investment and are supported by good governance.
1. Sonny Mumbunan (WRI Indonesia)
2. Timer Manurung, (Auriga)
3. Jaya Wahono (CPI)
4. Fitrian Andiansyah (IDH)
5. Heliyanti Hilman (Javara) *
6. Tiza Mafira (Plastic Diet) *
7. Mission Mission (Female Ship) *
8. Urip Haryanto (Poros Nusantara)
9. Echo Minang (Setali Indonesia)
10. Tri mumpuni (IBEKA) *
Chairs: Jalal (TS Reader on Good Corporate Governance and Political Ecology)
Co-chairs: Anggalia Putri (Madani)*
The role of religion and belief in encouraging down-to-earth literacy about the climate crisis in people is very relevant and important so that the various norms they believe can be practised in everyday life.
1. Amanda Katili Niode (Climate Reality Indonesia)
2. Nana Firman (GreenFaith, USA)
3. Andri Hernandi (Community of followers of the spiritual tradition of travel)
4. John Muhammad (Green Party) *
5. Andar Manik (Ideas Window)
6. The Habibie Center *
Chair: Victor Rembeth (PGI PRB Commission)
Co-chairs: Hening Parlan (PP Aisyiah)
* To be confirmed