Post 11 years of Fukushima: the state of nuclear power development
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Nuclear energy has become a debated issue in Indonesia’s energy transition landscape. Even though nuclear energy could contribute to the decarbonization efforts, there are also associated risks it brings. There are noteworthy nuclear accidents, starting from Three Mile Island (1979), Chernobyl (1986), and Fukushima (2011). Now, after 11 years of Fukushima accidents, nuclear power plant debates have been reignited and considered in the upcoming draft of New and Renewable Energy, as well as the energy plan of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.
Moving forward with nuclear energy, Indonesia must understand the risk and incorporate the risk in the national energy plan formulation and calculation. The relevant stakeholder should have complete understanding of the implication of nuclear accidents. Learning directly from the 11 years implications of Fukushima could shed light in the discussion. To ensure this security aspect of nuclear power, in addition to strict regulatory bodies and security procedures, the economic or cost issues required also need to be re-examined.
Recent nuclear discussion in the country has also revolved around the small modular reactor (SMRs) technology which are claimed to be more resilient to the delay in construction and cost escalation that the global large scale nuclear power project has shown in the past. There have been as many as70 designs of the SMR being developed across the world with one plant that is currently operating in Russia by 2020. However, how this technology fares in Indonesia is still a question to be answered. Therefore, information on the technology development and what that implies to the many aspects that needs to be considered in the nuclear power deployment are also a topic that needs to be understood well by the Indonesia stakeholders.
With those background, Institute for Essential Services Reform in collaboration with Masyarakat Rekso Bumi (MAREM) would like to commemorate the Fukushima accident with fact-based discussion webinar surrounding the nuclear technology, inviting relevant experts from the respective technologies to bring up-to-date information to the discussions upon the risk of nuclear (experience from Fukushima) and the advancement of the technology (especially related to the SMRs). IESR aims for the webinar to feed into the policy discussion of nuclear energy in Indonesia.
Presentation Material
Prof. Tatsujiro Suzuki, PhD, University of Nagasaki
“Japan Long-term Energy Policy after Fukushima’s Accident”
Prof. M.V. Ramana, PhD, University of British Columbia
“Does SMRs technology have prospect to meet decarbonization challenges?”
Dr. Herman Darnel Ibrahim, Member of National Energy Council
“Can Indonesia meet NZE by 2060 without Nucler Power?”
Fabby Tumiwa - Direktur Eksekutif IESR