Report Launching and Discussion: Climate Action Tracker (CAT) – Indonesia Assessment 2022
Under the Paris Agreement, the government has committed to limiting global temperature rise to below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and working towards limiting it to 1.5°C. Achieving this goal would require halving global emissions by 2030, achieving zero CO2 emissions by 2050, and all greenhouse gases by around 2070, with negative emissions thereafter.
Climate Action Tracker is an independent scientific analysis initiative that tracks a country’s climate action and measures it against the globally agreed Paris Agreement goal of holding warming well below 2°C and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C. CAT has been providing this independent analysis to policymakers since 2009.
The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) tracks countries’ progress towards achieving their self-imposed climate targets under the Paris Agreement and measures the combined impact of these commitments and policies on global temperature levels by the end of the century.
In general, CAT calculates and evaluates climate change mitigation targets, policies and actions. The project also combines the actions of individual countries at the global level and determines the likelihood of temperature rise during the 21st century using the MAGICC climate model. CAT further developed the sectoral analysis to illustrate the pathways needed to meet global temperature goals.
This year CAT is collaborating with the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) to analyze several countries, one of which evaluates Indonesia’s progress (actions and policies) in achieving climate targets according to the Paris Agreement to keep global temperature rise below 2°C and strive to keep global temperature rise of 1.5°C. This study analyzes national actions such as 1) the impact of climate policies and actions on emissions; policies that have been implemented/established by governments and how (likely) this will affect national emissions over the period up to 2030, and beyond. 2) the impact of the pledge, target, and NDC on national emissions during the period up to 2030, and thereafter and 3) whether so far Indonesia has exercised its fair share in global efforts to limit global climate warming according to the Paris Agreement and whether its plans and mitigation efforts have been carried out in line with the global least cost pathways.
The results of the latest study were published in October 2022 on the website Therefore, to expand the usefulness and dissemination of information from the results of this research to policymakers, stakeholders and the wider community, we will publish the CAT: Indonesia Assessment 2022 report in Jakarta, Indonesia on 6 December 2022.
The launch event and discussion of the Climate Action Tracker: Indonesia Assessment 2022 was held with the aim of:
- Inform and introduce the Climate Action Tracker: Indonesia assessment report, which analyzes Indonesia’s efforts to achieve climate targets according to the Paris Agreement.
- Increase public understanding of Indonesia’s status and progress in achieving climate change targets
- Facilitate discussions between policymakers, academics, and civil society regarding climate change issues.
Ir. Medrilzam M.Prof. Econ Ph.D* - Direktur Lingkungan Hidup Bappenas
Fabby Tumiwa - Direktur Eksekutif IESR