Towards a Decarbonized ASEAN: Unlocking the Potential of Renewables to Advance ASEAN Interconnectivity
The Southeast Asia Energy Outlook 2022 by IEA reported that ASEAN countries’ energy supply is still heavily dominated by fossil fuels such as oil and coal (IEA, 2022). With eight out of ten ASEAN Member States (AMS) pledged net zero by 2050, increasing the shares of renewables within the power system becomes an imperative to ensure that ASEAN Power Grid projects are aligned with the Paris Agreement. AMS itself has been named as one of the most renewables-rich regions, endowed with high potentials of solar, wind, ocean, and bioenergy reserves (The Diplomat, 2023). Ramping up the renewable energy capacity for the ASEAN Power Grid should also be the priority under the ASEAN Energy Cooperation.
In advancing Indonesia’s chairmanship in ASEAN 2023, the Institute of Essential Services Reform will hold a public discussion on the topic of integrating higher shares of renewable energy in the ASEAN Power Grid to enable rapid energy transition and ensure energy security. This public discussion is held with the objective to explore the accelerating potential of renewable energy resources in the ASEAN Member States, as well as the opportunities and challenges related to renewable integration in the ASEAN Power Grid to reach net-zero emission by the mid of this century. It is also expected that this public discussion can be a constructive platform for CSOs, academia, policymakers, and the general public to gain insights and exchange views in regard to energy transition in ASEAN.
1. Explore AMS renewable energy potentials and map the necessary cooperation and support to utilize these potentials.
2. Discuss the challenges and opportunities of integrating high share of renewables to the ASEAN Power Grid plan.
3. Exchange views, insights, and opinions between key stakeholders and the public related to ASEAN power interconnection and its impact to energy security and climate mitigation.