Bisnis | The price is still expensive, IESR recommends that developers buy rooftop solar PV for homes in groups

A number of developers admit that they have not dared to embed rooftop solar power plants because of the high costs that must be spent. According to Fabby, Executive Director of IESR, the procurement of rooftop solar panels on a large scale for housing needs will also make the price of solar panels cheaper than retail prices. Large-scale doubling of rooftop PLT for housing can reduce the cost of solar panels by 15% from the retail price of Rp 15 million

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Warta Ekonomi | Renewable Energy Investment Continues to Increase, in Indonesia It’s Full of Challenges

Indonesia does not yet have comprehensive regulations that fully support the development of renewable energy. The regulations have not comprehensively regulated tariffs, incentives, subsidies, and risk reduction related to all new and renewable energy development activities. On the investment side, the lack of availability of funding from local financial institutions and the limited number of renewable energy projects that are bankable or meet bank requirements to obtain business loans

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Kompas | Carbon Tax is Important for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emission Growth

Fabby, Executive Director of IESR, said that the government needs to set emission reduction targets and assess the effective carbon value or price that can support the achievement of the target. Other important aspects in the energy transition that need attention are politics, a strong legal basis, and a comprehensive strategy. In the midst of perfecting regulations regarding the energy transition, Darnel Ibrahim, the National Energy Council warned that the implementation of decarbonization should also mitigate economic risks and maintain national energy security.

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Warta Ekonomi | IESR Explains 5 Challenges About the Roadmap for Retiring Coal Power Plantss in Indonesia

Some of the challenges in decarbonization in Indonesia include NRE which is still developing slowly, it is difficult to stop the newly built Coal Power Plants (PLTU) because there is an irrevocable investment agreement, guaranteed electricity purchases for the PLTU, in addition, the coal industry still has a significant role, and PLN’s financial condition is due to PLTU assets are quite large.

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Kontan | Nuclear power investment could thwart climate change targets

Various low-carbon technology options can be an option in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions including renewable energy, Carbon Capture and Storage/ Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage. However, the government needs to consider it carefully because each technology has a different character and level of risk. However, in terms of development in the world, nuclear power plants have been stagnant in the last ten years. If the funds focus on the nuclear power plant, the funds for CCS or addressing carbon from the coal power plant will be reduced and will not reduce the carbon emissions emitted by the coal power plant itself.

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Kontan | Pursuing the New Renewable Energy mix target in the midst of a surplus of electricity, here are the MEMR and IESR solution options

Portions mix of renewable energy (EBT) in the national energy mix by 2020 only reached 23% of the target in 2025. The RUPTL is expected to increase the share of renewable energy-based electricity generation to 20 GW based on the grid. According to Fabby, Executive Director of IESR, the solution for using PLTS is quite effective in overcoming oversupply conditions, especially in Java and Sumatra.

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Bisnis | Indonesia Needs to Invest IDR 10,000 Trillion to Reach Zero Target

The Director-General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) of the MEMR, Dadan Kusdiana, said that Indonesia needs an investment of at least Rp. 10,000 trillion to achieve the zero-emission target by 2060. According to Fabby, Executive Director of IESR, the investment figure will change in line with the economy in the future. The IESR study shows that to meet the NRE target by 2025, the investment required is around US$14 billion or equivalent to Rp210 trillion. Hopefully, this opportunity can be an investment. Not only attracting fees but also opening up investment opportunities

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Antara | Emil Salim: We need a generation that masters environmentally friendly technology

Environmental expert, Prof. Dr. Emil Salim, said that currently we need a young generation who masters environmentally sound science and technology, so that they can reduce the rate of greenhouse gas (GHG) effects from carbon dioxide emissions. This effort to suppress global warming as a result of climate change is for the benefit of the younger generation. If from now on we do not try to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to reduce the effects of GHGs, then future generations will suffer the consequences.

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