A number of young people from various backgrounds and expertise spoke about the importance of action against climate change at the Youth Climate Conference 2024.
Read more on Kompas.com.
The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) together with the Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy (CASE) for Southeast Asia Project encourages young people to voice the urgency for Indonesia to play an active role in climate action and energy transition.
Read more on Kata Data.
The investment target for the New Renewable Energy (NRE) sector in 2024 is considered difficult to achieve. The reason is that there are not many NRE projects have been realized until now.
Read more on Kontan.
The government will continue to encourage the use of biomass to reduce carbon emissions. The policy is contained in the Draft Government Regulation (RPP) which will revise Government Regulation (PP) 79/2014 on the National Energy Policy (KEN).
Read more on Kontan.
For several years, Thailand has been ahead of Indonesia in terms of export value and automotive or car manufacturing. But when we talking about electric vehicles (EVs), nature favors Indonesia. This is because the country has abundant reserves of nickel, one of the most important
one of the critical components for EV battery manufacturing.
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The implementation of co-firing or mixing biomass with coal in steam power plants is considered capable of increasing the contribution of energy renewables in the electrical energy mix. Apart from that, the use of wood processing waste as a biomass source also stimulates community economic activity. On the other hand, there are concerns that the increasing demand for biomass made from wood will…
Cabinet ministers under President Joko Widodo's administration are considered incompatible regarding restrictions on the purchase of subsidized fuel oil (BBM). Member of Commission VII of the House of Representatives, Mulyanto, asked the Head of State to order the coordination and communication of the ministers so that there are no differences in statements regarding the same…
The Indonesian government is expected to immediately clarify the regulations regarding the ease of TKDN requirements and the direction of energy transition policies. Read more on Kompas .
Indonesia’s new renewable energy bill will include legislation allowing power wheeling, enabling private companies to sell electricity directly to end consumers via networks owned by the state-run electricity company. Read more on PV Magazine.
The benefits of implementing carbon capture storage (CCS) technology are doubtful. This technology is suspected to perpetuate the use of fossil energy, hindering the energy transition. Read more on Koran Jakarta.
The discussion of the New Renewable Energy Bill or EBET Bill is still tough. One of the articles that is still reaping the pros and cons is the power wheeling scheme. Read more on Tempo.
The government needs to improve regulations that hinder the installation of rooftop solar power plants (solar PV) if it wants to boost investment in the New and Renewable Energy (NRE) sector. This is because NRE investment in the country fell last year, contrary to the increasing trend of investment in the global NRE sector.
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