Renewable energy offers Southeast Asia sustainable, affordable, and reliable power, but achieving this requires bold, decisive action. Slowing down coal phase-out ambitions would undermine these efforts.
Read more on Bangkok Post.
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) stated that the New Renewable Energy Bill (EBET Bill) continues to be encouraged to be completed immediately.
Read more on ANTARA.
The think tank, Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), stated that the achievement of the renewable energy mix target in Indonesia will be late, and will not even exceed 30 percent by 2060.
Read more on Kontan.
Analysis by the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) shows that the industrial sector can grow and develop by implementing the five pillars of decarbonization. The industry can save up to 30 percent of production costs by implementing energy efficiency and resource efficiency. Read more on Kata Data.
Executive Director of The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Fabby Tumiwa said Indonesia has fossil energy sources that can be processed into hydrogen and ammonia. Read more on Koran Jakarta
Executive Director of the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) Fabby Tumiwa responded positively to Pertamina's sustainability achievements in 2023. Read more on Media Indonesia .
The G20 Summit in Bali in November 2022 leaves high hopes for the energy transition program in Indonesia as the announcement of a funding commitment of 20 billion US dollars in the Just Energy program Transition Partnership or JETP. However, 1.5 years have passed, and there are still no signs of financing realization. In fact,…
Based on data from the Institute fo Essential Services Reform (IESR), the transportation sector, especially land transportation, contributed 110 mtCO2e of emissions in 2022. This amounted to around 73 percent of the total transportation emissions in that year.
Read more on Kata Data.
The trend of energy transition in the world that reduces the demand for coal is expected to affect the regional income of producing provinces, one of which is in South Sumatra (Sumsel). However, with the potential of New Renewable Energy (EBT) reaching 21,032 GW, South Sumatra has the opportunity to transform to renewable energy that…
Jakarta, 27 June 2024 - Indonesia's record in meeting its renewable energy targets over the last five years is not encouraging. Over the last five years, the Indonesian Government has never succeeded in achieving the specified renewable energy targets so serious study and follow-up is needed. This is important to map the context of the…
Experts say Indonesia should consider looking for a helping hand from China, South Korea or Europe, in addition to the United States and Japan, which led the initiatives with the JETP.
Read more on Jakarta Post.
The government is expected to set clear and specific emission reduction targets per year covering all sectors and all types of greenhouse gases. Agriculture, Forestry, Land Use and Climate Change Analyst, Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Anindita Hapsari said the second national emission reduction document is in line with the 1.5 degree celsius target…