Warta Ekonomi | IESR: Early Retirement for Coal Plants Need Accompanied by Increasing EBT Capacity

Energy Transformation Program Manager, The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Deon Arinaldo, said it is necessary to shut down coal plants (PLTU) to reach a peak in electricity sector emissions in 2030. Besides that, we need to increase the capacity of renewable energy generators (EBT) in the same period. Read more on Warta Ekonomi.

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Kompas | Solar Power Capacity Needs To Be Calculated Carefully

Program Manager for Sustainable Energy Access at Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Marlistya Citraningrum, in an online discussion about Rooftop Solar by Solarin.id, Saturday (28/1/2023), said that the installed capacity of solar PV is crucial and needs to be considered. As a consequence, its very influential in the implementation of the field. Read more on…

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