Kontan | Rooftop PV Regulation Opens Opportunities for Panel Manufacturers to Solar Energy Developers

According to records by the Directorate General of EBTKE, the potential for solar energy is currently at more than 3000 GW. Meanwhile, IRES' calculation results show that the potential is 2000 GW, while the IESR calculation states that Indonesia's solar energy potential reaches 19,800 gigawatt-peak (GWp). Read full article on Kontan.id

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ANTARA | RI prioritizes energy transition to green energy during G20 presidency

According to the Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook (IETO) 2022 report published by a think-tank in the field of energy and the environment, the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Indonesia made a breakthrough in the power sector when it joined the Philippines and Vietnam in the Asian Development Bank's Energy Transition Mechanism (ETM). Read more…

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Investor | Solar Panels Key to the Renewable Energy Transition

Researcher Specialist in Energy & Electric Vehicle Technology, Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Idoan Marciano, explained that solar power plants are indeed one of the most potential renewable energy sources to be utilized in Indonesia. First, because this renewable energy source has the largest technical potential in Indonesia and is highly scalable Read more at…

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