BBC Indonesia | Issues Missed in the Vice Presidential Debate – Why is Renewable Energy Development Stagnating and Indonesia still Reluctant to ‘Kill’ Coal-Fired Power Plants?

The vice presidential candidate debate on Sunday (21/01) was considered to only be a place to show off jargon without really touching the substance - particularly on energy issues. The event was also considered to lack in-depth discussion about the development of new and renewable energy (EBT) in the midst of big targets to cut…

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Kata Data | Six Energy Transition Issues that Need to Be Discussed in the Vice Presidential Debate

Vice presidential candidates are asked to avoid false solutions in the energy transition in Indonesia in the vice presidential debate at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Senayan, Jakarta (21/1). In the fourth debate, the vice presidential candidates will raise the themes of Sustainable Development, Natural Resources, Environment, Energy, Food, Agrarian, Indigenous Peoples and Villages. Read more…

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