Palembang, February 20, 2024 – The Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Palembang together with the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), a leading think tank in Indonesia that focuses on energy and the environment and the Society of Indonesian Environmental Journalists (SIEJ) took the initiative to form the “South Sumatra (South Sumatra) Just Journalist Network” to build public awareness of the energy transition through quality journalistic work. Through this Just Journalist network, it is hoped that there will be more quality news related to the issue of energy transition so as to increase public understanding and trigger the acceleration of the transition from fossil energy to renewable energy at the regional level.
Based on data in the report “Insights on energy transition news in the electricity sector in Indonesia from 2020-2022” published by CASE Indonesia in 2023, national media dominated the news about energy transition in the electricity sector. Meanwhile, regional media has yet to make a significant contribution. IESR views that optimizing the role of media in the regions is crucial to reach public participation in supporting the energy transition process and greater use of renewable energy.
Chairman of AJI Palembang, M. Fajar Wiko, said that journalists who are members of the South Sumatra Just Journalist Network can shape public opinion on energy transition, identify challenges and opportunities in covering complex issues related to renewable energy, and identify the economic, social and environmental impacts of the energy transition program effectively to communicate to the public.
“The establishment of this Network is expected to clarify the role of the media in providing explanations about renewable technologies, government policies, and private sector initiatives in the energy transition, as well as encouraging better public understanding to actively participate in supporting the energy transition, and encouraging the role of stakeholders to create a more favorable environment for renewable energy, to motivate collaboration between the media, government, private sector and society to design the best solution,” said Wiko.

Marlistya Citraningrum, the Program Manager of Sustainable Energy Access, IESR, mentioned that the energy transition is happening in various parts of the world, including Indonesia has diverse contexts at the regional or subnational level. The shift from fossil fuel to renewable and more sustainable energy systems is demonstrated by the trend of retiring and early retirement of coal-fired power plants around the world – as well as in Indonesia under the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) plan. This will have a direct impact on Indonesia’s coal-producing provinces and districts, particularly in the economic and development sectors. Subnational governments need to anticipate this trend in advance, including to boost the alternative economy sector and optimize the use of renewable energy. The media can play a role in educating the public to immediately switch to low-emission energy.
“IESR’s studies in several coal-producing regions show that although regional income depends on the coal economy, the economic multiplier effect is not directly enjoyed by surrounding communities in the form of infrastructure, economic improvement, or basic services such as education and health. In Muara Enim, around 78% of profits are absorbed by mining companies, in addition to local laborers working more freelance for contractors or vendors of mining companies instead of professional workers in the company,” said Marlistya.
Aryansyah, Head of Energy Division, Energy and Mineral Resources Agency of South Sumatra Province, said that the province has a renewable energy potential of around 21,032 MW with an installed capacity of renewable energy of around 989.12 MW or around 4.70%.
“In the future, the utilization of clean energy based on renewable energy in South Sumatra can be further developed to all levels of society. Some of the strategies we carry out to encourage the use of renewable energy, including providing energy for regional needs by increasing exploration of the potential for new renewable energy, utilizing new renewable energy such as solar energy, water, geothermal and others, as well as conserving and diversifying energy,” said Aryansyah.