Marlistya Citraningrum, Manager of the Sustainable Energy Access Program at the Institute for Essential Services Reforms (IESR), believes residents using swamp gas should pay a fee to ensure sustainability.
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Semarang, July 4, 2023 - Recognizing that renewable energy investments play a crucial role in addressing climate change and achieving the Paris Agreement, the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), in collaboration with the Government of Central Java Province, held the 'Central Java Renewable Energy Investment Forum 2023' event. This activity is a platform to…
Unlike most other countries, the energy structure in Indonesia is very government-centered; in this case, it is controlled by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources with execution by PLN.
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The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) states that funding to execute the energy transition in Indonesia requires significant funds. If using the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) scheme, according to IESR calculations, at least the expected portion of the grant is 10% -15% or US$ 1.5 billion to US$ 2 billion.
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Jakarta, 27 June 2023 - The urgency to shift energy transition into a cleaner, more sustainable one has become increasingly crucial, as highlighted by the IPCC synthesis reports, which states that global temperature has already increased 1.1 degree Celsius. Energy, as the driver of economic growth, has been a key factor in economic activities since…
The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) encourages the government to increase the portion of the Just Energy Transition Partnership or JETP energy transition funding grant to a minimum of 10% or approximately US$ 2 billion of the total JETP funding commitment of US$ 20 billion.
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Jakarta, 13 June 2023 - Southeast Asia is a region with the largest economic growth and energy demand. Economic growth followed by increase in energy demand in the region is projected to continue in the coming years. If the use of environmentally friendly energy sources is not anticipated, this economic growth and energy demand will…
Jakarta, 13 June 2023 - To reach energy security sustainably and to face challenges of global climate change, Indonesia’s chairmanship in 2023 needs to be a strong leader in the decarbonization efforts of the energy sector in Southeast Asia. region. Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) views that Indonesia can further its regional cooperation and…
Jakarta, 30 May 2023 - Transforming the power sector into a low carbon energy system is an absolute necessity. One of them is to pursue emission reduction targets in order to maintain the increase in global average temperature to be at the level of 1.5 ℃. It is stated in the IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report…
The energy transition has different characteristics in every region, yet the overarching story is the same: how we harness, trade, deploy and use energy is changing radically and rapidly. As the largest country in ASEAN, Indonesia accounts for around two fifths of the region's energy consumption. Energy demand across the country's more than 17,000…
Jakarta, 16 Mei 2023 - Indonesia’s role in international diplomacy continued after successfully hosting the G20 meeting in November 2022. This year, Indonesia holds the ASEAN chairmanship. ASEAN itself is an important region as it accounts for the biggest economic growth. In terms of economic growth, ASEAN will have 4,3% of economic growth according to…
Indonesia is currently preparing a comprehensive investment plan regarding energy transition funding. This arrangement requires certainty of funding patterns from the United States and Japan.
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