Mapping the Potential of Renewable Energy in Indonesia for a More Precise Energy Transition Planning

Jakarta, October 25, 2021 - In order to encourage the acceleration of renewable energy development, the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) launched a study entitled “Beyond 443 GW: Indonesia's Infinite Renewables Energy Potentials”. This study contains data on mapping the technical potential of renewable energy in Indonesia using a Geographical Information System (GIS). Fabby…

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IESR Launches the Study of Renewable Energy Technical Potential Map Study in Indonesia

Jakarta, October 25, 2021 - A comprehensive renewable energy potential map needs to be prepared to support the energy transition towards utilizing 100 percent renewable energy and achieving zero emissions in Indonesia by 2050. Indonesia's renewable energy technical potential data still refers to the General National Energy Plan (RUEN) of 443.2 GW. This data has…

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IESR: Renewable Energy Portion in “Green” RUPTL Could Be Bigger

Jakarta, 14 October 2021- Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) appreciates the government's commitment to making an energy transition towards decarbonization in 2060 or earlier by issuing the PLN 2021-2030 Electricity Supply Business Plan  (RUPTL), which has a larger portion of renewable energy generation. The government…

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Energi Terbarukan Sebagai Strategi Green Economic Recovery Pasca-COVID19

Akselerasi pembangunan energi terbarukan sebagai strategi green economic recovery pasca-COVID19 Pandemi virus corona menciptakan krisis global yang belum pernah terjadi pada generasi abad ini. Ketika tulisan ini dibuat, terdapat 3,308 juta orang yang terkena wabah ini, dengan kematian mencapai 234 ribu lebih di seluruh dunia. Hingga akhir Maret lalu terdapat lebih dari 100 negara…

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Stimulus Akselerasi Energi Terbarukan untuk Pemulihan Ekonomi Pascapandemi #VirusCorona

Ditengah tekanan pandemi #COVID-19 ada kesempatan bagi pemerintah Indonesia untuk memprioritaskan strategi pembangunan rendah karbon, mendukung investasi energi terbarukan salah satunya. Apa yang bisa dilakukan: 1) Siapkan stimulus untuk mempercepat PLN mengganti PLTD dan PLTU di luar Jawa yang sudah berusia di atas 20 tahun dengan pembangkit energi terbarukan: surya, air, biomass, angin, dan panas bumi. Ada…

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