Direktur Eksekutif IESR

Magnifying the Ambitious Climate Action from Business Sector

Jakarta, November 30, 2022 -  The Indonesian government needs to show strong attention to climate mitigation efforts by increasing commitment and may significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Executive Director of the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Fabby Tumiwa, stated that rising global temperatures are worsening the climate crisis. He conveyed his speech at…

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Peluncuran & Diskusi Laporan Perencanaan Sistem Tenaga Listrik yang Selaras dengan Persetujuan Paris

Siaran Tunda Pendahuluan  Indonesia telah meratifikasi Perjanjian Paris melalui UU No. 16/2016. Sebagai hasilnya, Indonesia terikat secara hukum untuk berkontribusi dalam perjuangan global perubahan iklim melalui upaya dan tindakan yang ambisius dalam memitigasi emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) dan membatasi peningkatan suhu global rata-rata di bawah 1,5 derajat C. Dalam salah satu hasil model iklim…

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press release

APLSI Declares Just Energy Transition, Supports Acceleration of Green Energy Mix

Jakarta, 15 November 2022- Presidential Regulation No. 112/2022 on the Acceleration of Renewable Energy Development for Electricity Supply mandates the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) to develop a roadmap for the early retirement of the coal-fired power plants (CFPP). It is in line with Indonesia's commitment to the Global Coal to Clean Power…

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Approaching the G20 Summit, Government Needs to be Consistently Calling for and Raising Climate Ambitions

Jakarta, 9 November 2022-The journey of the Indonesian G20 Presidency will end after the G20 summit in November 2022. Therefore, Indonesia needs to show strong attention to climate mitigation efforts, by increasing its commitment to significantly reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Climate Transparency 2022 report shows Indonesia's power sector which is dominated by fossil…

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press release

Coal-Fired Power Plants Retirement Commitment Needs to be Followed Up Immediately

Raditya Wiranegara (right), IESR Senior Researcher, explained the findings of the "Financing Indonesia's coal phase-out report" at the Indonesia Sustainable Energy Week (ISEW) 2022 Jakarta, 11 October 2022 - The government's decision in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) 112/2022 to no longer build new coal-fired power plants, and to limit the operation of all coal-fired power plants…

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