Laporan Studi
Study Report
Transisi Energi: 8 Q & A
Author: Agus Praditya Tampubolon | Deon Arinaldo | Erina Mursanti | Hening Marlistya Citraningrum | Jannata Giwangkara | Pamela Simamora
12 Desember 2018
Briefing Paper
Briefing Paper: Memulai Revolusi Listrik Surya Atap
Briefing paper ini menganalisa keberhasilan India dalam mendorong percepatan pembangunan rooftop solar dan memberikan gagasan inisiatif Surya Nusantara untuk Indonesia, yang memiliki potensi
2 Desember 2018
Study Report
Report: Coal Dynamics in Indonesia
To understand the dynamics of coal sector in the future Indonesia as the global economy is shifting toward a low
25 November 2018
Brown to Green: Transisi G20 menuju ekonomi rendah karbon
Brown to Green 2018: Transisi G20 menuju ekonomi rendah karbon
22 November 2018
Study Report
Brown to Green: Executive summary and Indonesia Country Profile
Brown to Green report 2018: Executive summary and Indonesia Country Profile
22 November 2018
Study Report
Brown to Green Report: The G20 transition to a low-carbon economy
Brown to Green Report 2018: The G20 transition to a low-carbon economy
22 November 2018