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Indonesia Clean Energy Outlook 2019

Author: Deon Arinaldo, Julius Christan Adiatma, Pamela Simamora

Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) meluncurkan laporan Indonesia Clean Energy Outlook: Reviewing 2018, Outlooking 2019 di Jakarta, 19 Desember. Laporan ini berisi tentang perkembangan energi terbarukan tahun 2018 dan prospeknya di tahun 2019.

Ada tiga aspek penting yang menjadi sorotan dalam laporan ini yaitu:

  • Perkembangan kapasitas terpasang baru energi terbarukan
  • Dukungan pendanaan untuk energi terbarukan
  • Kualitas kerangka kebijakan dan regulasi

The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) launched the Indonesia Clean Energy Outlook: Reviewing 2018, Outlooking 2019 in Jakarta, December 19th, 2018. This report contains updates on the development of renewable energy during 2018 and its prospects in 2019.

There are three important aspects that are highlighted in this report, namely:

  • Development of new installed renewable energy capacity
  • Financial support for renewable energy
  • Quality of policy and regulatory framework