IESR: Posisi Dirut Definitif PLN Berikan Kepastian

Kamis, 31 Oktober 2019 01:32 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Direktur Eksektutif Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) Fabby Tumiwa mengatakan direktur utama (dirut) dan direksi definitif akan memberikan kepastian bagi PLN dan juga mitra-mitra PLN. Fabby menyampaikan posisi Sripeni Inten Cahyani yang hingga kini masih menjabat sebagai pelaksana tugas (plt) dirut PLN dirasa belum cukup ideal dalam melakukan sejumlah program di PLN lantaran persoalan status.

Meskipun begitu, kata Fabby, penting bagi Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir mempunyai konsep untuk memperkuat tata kelola PLN dan struktur manajemen yang dapat membuat PLN efektif mengatasi tantangan ke depan. Ini termasuk mencari kriteria direksi yang dapat menghadapi tantangan tersebut.

“Jadi walaupun ada urgensi tapi sebaiknya tidak buru-buru atau grasa-grusu, tapi saya harapkan di awal 2020 sudah ada direksi (PLN) definitif,” lanjutnya.

Pantauan, Plt Dirut PLN Sripeni Inten Cahyani terlihat mendatangi Kantor Kementerian BUMN pada Rabu (30/10) sekira pukul 13.00 WIB. Inten didampingi Direktur Pengadaan Strategis I PLN Djoko Rahardjo Abumanan. Inten enggan memberikan jawaban saat ditanya tentang wacana adanya dirut definitif PLN. Dia menilai kehadirannya ke Kantor Kementerian BUMN tidak ada kaitannya dengan posisi dirut PLN yang masih lowong.

“Menghadap Pak Deputi (Kementerian BUMN), mau konsolidasi, update saja,” kata Inten.

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Batubara Masuk Komponen Tarif Listrik

Rabu, 30 Oktober 2019/ 22:46 WIB

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Keputusan pemerintah memasukkan harga patokan batubara menjadi salah satu faktor dalam penentuan penyesuaian tarif listrik menuai tanggapan dari sejumlah pihak.

Ketentuan ini tertuang dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 19 Tahun 2019 tentang perubahan ketiga atas Permen ESDM Nomor 28 Tahun 2016 tentang tarif tenaga listrik yang disediakan oleh PT PLN (Persero).

Dengan beleid yang diteken oleh Menteri ESDM Ignatius Jonan pada 10 Oktober 2019 saat itu, PLN dapat melakukan penyesuaian tarif pada 13 golongan pelanggan.

Direktur Eksekutif Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) Fabby Tumiwa menuturkan, pemerintah perlu memperhatikan aspek transparansi.

“Perlu dijelaskan kepada publik berapa harga energi primernya, dan komponen lainnya berapa sehingga nanti bisa diawasi. Jika dalam keseluruhan biaya produksi turun ya tarif turun, dan sebaliknya,” sebut Fabby kepada, Rabu (30/10).

Lebih jauh Fabby menjelaskan, penetapan tarif biasanya didasari dengan asumsi atau acuan harga energi primer yang menyumbang terhadap produksi listrik PLN. Perubahan pada energi primer ini lah yang akan berdampak pada naik atau turunnya tarif selain komponen inflasi dan nilai tukar.

Poin tersebut yang dinilai Fabby penting untuk disampaikan kepada publik. Fabby menilai kehadiran komponen batubara akan berdampak positif bagi PLN.

Dalam catatan, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) mengaku tak lagi bersikeras meminta perpanjangan harga patokan batubara untuk kelistrikan sebesar US$ 70 per ton yang akan berlaku hingga akhir tahun ini.

Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Utama PLN Sripeni Inten Cahyani mengungkapkan, pihaknya mengambil langkah tersebut lantaran pemerintah melalui Kementerian ESDM telah menetapkan 13 golongan tarif tenaga listrik yang akan terkena penyesuaian tarif alias tariff adjustment.

“Nggak (meminta diperpanjang harga patokan batubara US$ 70 per ton) kalau sudah ada tariff adjustment. Karena memperhitungkan bagaimana fluktuasi harga batubara acuan sebagai indikator kebijakan (penyesuain tarif),” ungkap Sripeni saat ditemui di peluncuran SPKLU di kawasan BSD, Serpong, Senin (28/10).

Tariff adjustment tersebut bisa dilaksanakan setiap tiga bulan apabila terjadi perubahan, baik peningkatan maupun penurunan salah satu dan/atau beberapa faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi Biaya Pokok Penyediaan (BPP) tenaga listrik.

Beleid tersebut menyebutkan empat faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi penyesuaian BPP, yakni: nilai tukar dollar Amerika Serikat terhadap Rupiah (kurs), Indonesian Crude Price (ICP), inflasi, dan harga patokan batubara.

Artinya, turun atau naiknya tarif listrik untuk 13 golongan tersebut bergantung dari pergerakan harga keempat komponen tersebut.

“Jadi ini kan sebagai antisipasi karena harga patokan berakhir di tahun ini. Saat ini harga batubara sedang rendah, dan saat yang tepat untuk merumuskan kembali,” kata Sripeni.

Saat ini, harga batubara yang tercermin dari Harga Batubara Acuan (HBA) memang terus menurun di bawah harga patokan US$ 70 per ton. Bahkan, HBA Oktober 2019 telah menyentuh US$ 64,8 per ton, terendah dalam tiga tahun terakhir.

Sementara itu, Direktur Eksekutif Asosiasi Pertambangan Batubara Indonesia (APBI) Hendra Sinadia berharap kehadiran aturan ini dapat berdampak positif bagi industri batubara.

“Kami berharap PLN dapat membeli batubara dengan harga pasar, dengan demikian akan turut mendukung perbaikan kondisi batubara nasional,” jelas Hendra kepada, Rabu (30/10).

Lebih jauh Hendra menjelaskan, harga batubara berpeluang membaik pada November mendatang kendati tidak signifikan. Menurut Hendra, jelang akhir tahun di mana memasuki musim dingin, permintaan batubara akan cenderung meningkat.

Artikel asli

IESR Supports Central Java to be (the very first) Solar Province in Indonesia

Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) proudly supports Central Java government to be the very first Solar Province in Indonesia, starting with a collaborative event with Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of Central Java (Dinas ESDM Pemprov Jawa Tengah) held on Tuesday, 17 September 2019, entitled Jawa Tengah Solar Revolution 2019. IESR has been working closely with provincial government of Central Java to accelerate solar deployment in the province and will continue to support the government in implementing their progressive commitment for renewables.

Through Regional Government Secretary, Dr. Sri Puryono, Governor Ganjar Pranowo conveyed his support for this initiative and is looking forward to boosting the implementation of solar target as highlighted in Regional Energy Planning (Rencana Umum Energi Daerah Provinsi/RUED-P) and Department of Energy and Mineral Resources’ strategic plans. He himself has issued a circular encouraging the use of rooftop solar in government, public, industrial, and commercial buildings in Central Java. Several government offices (OPD) also have committed to install rooftop solar by 2020.

Central Java is of high potential of solar energy, estimated at 4.05 kWh/kWp/day, which is above Indonesia’s average (3.75 kWh/kWp). This potential can be utilized to achieve regional renewable energy target of 11.6% (from energy mix) by 2020. Central Java is also the first province completing their regional energy planning (RUED-P). Head of Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of Central Java, Dr. Ir. Sujarwanto Dwiatmoko, M.Si. stated, “Government of Central Java has a strong commitment to develop clean and renewable energy, including putting priorities on solar energy. Our governor has shown that commitment with official circular, our office has installed 30 kWp rooftop solar, and 17 other offices (OPD) will install rooftop solar in 2020.”

Combining its high potential of solar energy and strong commitment for renewables, IESR sees the opportunity for Central Java to become the very first solar province in Indonesia, specifically for rooftop solar application. IESR will continue the collaborative work through a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Central Java’s Department of Energy and Mineral Resources for the acceleration of solar deployment in Central Java. The collaborative work will cover technical assistance, policy research and analysis, market study, and capacity building.

“As a think tank focusing on energy and environment issues, we aim to assist Government of Central Java to accelerate their commitment to solar energy development within the province,” Fabby Tumiwa, IESR’s Executive Director said during the event.

To create a considerable market size, IESR recommends the government to be pioneer and install rooftop solar on their offices. This move then could be followed by government at regency level, on public facilities, schools and universities, also religious buildings. IESR’s early assessment for Powering the Cities (IESR’s newest publication series on solar energy) shows there is 6.9 MWp potential of rooftop solar for government offices in Semarang (for both provincial government offices and city administration offices) and 32 regent’s offices across Central Java. This estimation has yet to include commercial buildings, business complex, and industrial areas; as they occupy large space in Central Java and the province is also home-base for many manufacturing factories.

Early assessment of rooftop solar potential in Central Java

Central Java is also among Top 3 province with highest potential for rooftop solar on residential buildings, based on IESR’s technical calculation for 34 provinces in Indonesia. The technical potential for residential rooftop solar in Central Java is in the range of 32 – 110 GWp (with different scenarios), and it translates to market potential of 3.3 – 11 GWp (assuming only households with installed power capacity of ≥ 1,300 VA have the financial ability to install rooftop solar).

The urgent challenge in implementing Central Java Solar Province would be public awareness, procurement process, and financing scheme. IESR will work with Central Java Government to prepare necessary incentives for government offices, public, and businesses, formulate bulk procurement process to drive price reduction, as well as engaging with regional financial institution to provide attractive financing scheme for rooftop solar users.  Market study for cities and towns in Central Java will also be conducted.

During the event Jawa Tengah Solar Revolution 2019,  Indonesia Solar Association (ISA/AESI) and solar EPCs were in attendance and they shared their experience in solar panels procurement and installation. This business matchmaking session was designed to facilitate further discussions between government and solar provider, as limitation of local solar providers number in Central Java is also an issue. With more multistakeholders forum such as this event, it is expected that levels of understanding on solar energy application, its benefits and impacts, as well as information on procurement and financing can be further disseminated for public, commercial and business players within the province.

Marlistya Citraningrum, Program Manager for Sustainable Energy Access

Twitter thread on the event is available here.
Presentation material is available here.

Harnessing Indonesia’s Solar Potential: Yellow is The New Black

Indonesia is known for its abundance of sunny days. The country receives 3.6 – 6 kWh/m2/day of solar irradiation intensity, equivalent to annual power output of 1,170 – 1,530 kWh/kWp (World Bank & Solargis, 2017). The National Energy Policy (KEN) has set a target of solar generation at 6.5 GW in 2025 and 45 GW in 2050. However, Indonesia has observed limited growth on solar deployment, both for utility-scale solar generation and rooftop solar. Until late 2018, the total installed capacity of solar power plants has only reached 95 MW (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, 2019), while PLN’s Business Planning (RUPTL) for the year 2019-2028 only targets a cumulative construction of 2 GW solar power plants until 2028.

Globally, solar is the fastest and highest growing renewable energy source. Since 2010, the addition of solar power plants continues to increase exponentially every year, reaching an additional 97 GW (net capacity addition) in 2017 and 2018 (IRENA, 2019). In 2018, the growth of solar energy slightly declined due to slowing growth in China; the symbolic number of 100 GW was not achieved that year. However, solar energy is predicted to continue to grow massively, in line with the increasing numbers of developing countries’ pursuit of renewable energy deployment and the falling costs of solar generation.

Indonesia has sufficient technical potential of solar energy to meet its current and future energy needs. There is also a huge market potential for rooftop solar for homes, commercial buildings, government buildings, and industries. The cost of solar generation is getting cheaper, in several countries the cost is on-par with fossil fuel-generated electricity, even reaching grid parity. How this works in many countries is through reverse auction mechanism, and Indonesia could follow suit. These are important findings obtained from 4 IESR reports launched on the event IESR Solar Day 2019 – Chasing The Sun (Tuesday, 30/07) in Jakarta. The reports are: Under the Same Sun: A Cross-Country Comparison of Conditions and Policy Supports for Large/Utility-Scale Solar PV Projects, Residential Technical Solar Rooftop and Market Potential in 34 Provinces in Indonesia, Powering the Cities: Market Analysis and Recommendations to Accelerate Solar Rooftop Development in Two Metropolitan Cities in Indonesia, and Powering the Cities: Technical Potential of Rooftop Solar for Public and Commercial Buildings in Two Metropolitan Cities in IndonesiaThe event was well attended: more than 100 participants, coming from government bodies (national and local), EPCs, associations, financial institutions, individuals, university researchers and lecturers, and media journalists.

For 34 provinces in Indonesia, IESR estimation shows technical potential (residential only) of 194 – 655 Gigawatt-peak (GWp), Hapsari Damayanti (IESR’s Program Officer for Sustainable Energy Access) presented. Of the total number of households in Indonesia, ca. 17.8% of them have financial capability to install rooftop solar, equals to 34 – 116 GWp. This amount represents the market size of residential rooftop solar that can be achieved in the next few years. This number could be an important information for policy makers in energy sector, PLN (state-owned utility), and other solar business players; that Indonesia has significant market size to develop and that the utilization of solar energy would be one of Indonesia’s contribution and answers to tackle climate change crisis.

Map of residential rooftop solar technical potential in Indonesia

In the last ten years, the price of solar modules in the global market has declined by more than 70% and continues to decrease. In addition, there is also substantial increase in the efficiency of solar modules. Countries with high appetite for solar energy are enjoying this trend so they are able to reach record-low electricity price. IESR analyses on solar generation costs of projects in Brazil, UAE, India, Mexico (countries managed to get the lowest record of solar generation) show what they have in common: political willingness translates into ambitious national targets, provision of supporting policies, de-risking instruments, and fiscal incentives, as well as effective implementation reverse auction mechanism. This specific procurement system creates cost competitiveness, and Indonesia certainly can learn one thing or two, said Pamela Simamora (IESR’s Research Coordinator). IESR recommends government and PLN to use reverse auction mechanism for large-scale solar power plants, ideally for capacities above 100 MW. The reverse auction method has proven to be effective in increasing competition among developers, driving cheaper price without damaging the economics of the project.

In addition to estimating technical potential, IESR also conducted market studies for residential rooftop solar in 2 metropolitan cities: Greater Jakarta (Jabodetabek) and Surabaya. The studies reveal a certain percentage of homeowners interested in installing rooftop solar with no or little strict financial consideration; categorized as early adopters. There are also a group of interested homeowners with heavier consideration of high investment cost and financial benefit of installing rooftop solar; fall under early followers group. The number of early adopters and early followers combined is 13% and 19% for Greater Jakarta and Surabaya, respectively. Homeowners in these two metropolitan cities each have unique perceptions and expectations on rooftop solar use. These two factors determine their purchase intention level.

Market potential for rooftop solar in Greater Jakarta and Surabaya

With current market price at IDR 13-18 million/kWp, upfront cost or initial capital investment for installing rooftop solar is still considered high. However, Marlistya Citraningrum (Program Manager for Sustainable Energy Access) highlighted that early followers group would be more inclined to decide installing rooftop solar if they have comprehensive information about the technology, have access to credible providers/EPCs, and access to fixed-instalment scheme. They also expect guaranteed performance of rooftop solar, the availability of after-sales service, and fiscal incentives; to reduce high upfront cost and shorten payback period. The market studies found most homeowners prefer instalment scheme with tenor period of 5 years and they expect incentives from the government to decrease their capital investment, as well as assurance of product quality. IESR recommends the government to provide rebate for solar panels/modules and to offer discounts on land and building tax (PBB) for a certain period of time for houses installing rooftop solar. These incentives can increase financial viability and decrease return on investment for homeowners.

Indonesia’s National Energy Plan (RUEN) also imposes a mandatory use of rooftop solar for government and public buildings: a minimum of 30% of their roof space area. To explore this potential in more details, IESR calculated technical potential of rooftop solar for government-owned buildings (offices, hospitals, universities, and schools) and commercial buildings (malls and shopping centers) in Jakarta and Surabaya. Technical potential for buildings in Surabaya reaches 35 Megawatt-peak (MWp), for a combination of government-owned buildings and shopping centers; while in Jakarta the potential reaches 22 MWp; Agus Tampubolon (IESR’s Researcher) explained in details. Two large state universities in Surabaya, ITS and Airlangga University, are two complexes with the highest potential. Among Top 10, five of them are malls and shopping centers; indicating they could be of target priorities for government to start accelerating solar deployment. Jakarta is similar to Surabaya: malls and shopping centers dominates Top 10. The offices of central government (ministries), provincial government, and city governments possess lower potential because most of them are high-rise buildings (tall buildings with limited roof area). University complexes in Jakarta also show high potential for rooftop solar, two of the highest are Jakarta State University and University of Indonesia (Salemba). Rooftop solar is highly beneficial and relevant for government offices and universities; given their main activities are carried out during the day. Local governments can play more active and significant role in promoting rooftop solar use within their authority, not only mandating the buildings to install rooftop solar but also to provide certain incentives to leapfrog the deployment.

Panel discussion

Panel discussion led by Fabby Tumiwa (IESR’s ED); featuring Directorate General of Electricity (MEMR), PLN’s Renewable Energy Division, Indonesia Solar Association (ISA), LEIN Power, Mandiri (as part of Indonesia’s Sustainable Finance Initiative), and World Energy Council elaborated more on the reports and how the findings could be translated into strategies to accelerate solar energy development in Indonesia. Grid-wise, solar energy penetration is met with concerns on balancing supply and demand, system readiness, as well as ancillary cost arisen from renewables integration. Access to fundings is also a constraint, as government and local banks still considers renewable energy projects as risky; thus, imposing high interest rate. IESR recommendation for the use of reverse auction for large-scale solar power plants could be an answer to these challenges, given proper auction design and strict implementation.

Insights from IESR reports on technical and market potential are considered imperative to boost solar deployment. One Million Rooftop Solar Initiative (OMRSI), declared and signed by 14 different organizations and government bodies (including IESR), has set a cumulative target of 1 GW rooftop solar by 2020. As highlighted by Indonesia Solar Association, knowledge on technical and market potential for rooftop solar in residential, public buildings, and other buildings, as well as preferred procurement and financing scheme will help in sharpening the strategy of achieving OMRSI target. LEIN Power as one of solar EPCs also mentioned that homeowner’s consideration for installing rooftop solar is diverse, which affects message crafting and means of communications. His experience with one homeowner in East Java was aligned with IESR’s market study insight: people in Surabaya have the attitude of “I like cool, high-tech stuff”. It is certainly a good catch for solar EPCs on how to market their products.

With limited financing available on the market today, homeowners can consider using multi-finance credit scheme from banks to install rooftop solar. However, interest rates are not low, and this may discourage them. Indonesian banks, as stated by Mandiri’s VP of Energy Sector Department, has no available specific financing scheme for rooftop solar; and future financing scheme that can answer homeowners’ expectation must be regulated first by Indonesia Financial Authority (OJK) or else the government could provide incentives for the banks so they can offer low interest rates.

Fabby Tumiwa concluded Solar Day 2019 with three main remarks: the government should take the lead and be market leader (thus growing market size and decrease rooftop solar price), the government should provide supporting policies and incentives, and with challenges laying ahead (coordination, planning, funding, technical issues, existing regulations, and consumer behavior), a comprehensive, structured, inclusive, well-planned strategies must be drawn.

It no longer should be “chasing the sun”, it is time for massive solar deployment. And so yellow is the new black.

Marlistya Citraningrum reporting for Solar Day 2019 – Chasing The Sun.

Reports summary is available here:
Sunny Days: Powering Indonesia with Solar Energy (Only!)

Presentation is available here:
Solar Day 2019 – Chasing The Sun

Sunny Days: Powering Indonesia with Solar Energy (Only!)

In 2017, Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), together with Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Industry, Indonesia Solar Association, Indonesia Renewable Energy Society, others associations and university; launched One Million Rooftop Solar Initiative (Gerakan Nasional Sejuta Surya Atap). Since then, we have been working intensively to take active part in accelerating solar deployment in the country.

On Tuesday (30 July), we have launched our 4 major reports on solar energy, highlighted below:

1. For utility-scale solar power plants, we recommend the government to adopt reverse auction scheme. The effectiveness of the scheme has been proven by 4 countries with record-low solar generation cost (auction should be designed well to create competition and high-quality bids!)

Read more: Under The Same Sun (in English)

2. How massive of solar energy is massive? We decided to show how massive solar energy potential in Indonesia is by calculating technical potential for households in 34 provinces. With 4 scenarios used, Indonesia has 194 – 655 GWp of solar power, residential only. How much of that is feasible to achieve, market wise?

Read more: Residential Rooftop Solar Technical Potential in 34 Provinces in Indonesia (in English)

3. With that potential, why rooftop solar penetration for residential is so low? We asked people in Greater Jakarta and Surabaya to find out. Well, they are aware of the technology, with different perceptions. Those living in Greater Jakarta care more on the savings and ease of use, while people in Surabaya consistently mentioned good impact of solar energy for the environment and its high technology, apart from savings.

Three out of ten people in Greater Jakarta are willing to buy, 1 in 3 people in Surabaya also conveys the same intention. But what makes them reluctant to do it?

Also, the market potential for Greater Jakarta and Surabaya amounts to 13% and 19%, respectively. Assuming 2 kWp installation capacity, the numbers equal to 1,1 – 1,2 GWp and 170 – 186 MWp. Not small numbers compared to Indonesia’s solar energy target (6,5 GW by 2025).

Read more: Market Analysis of Rooftop Solar in Greater Jakarta and Surabaya (in Indonesian), Market Potential of Rooftop Solar PV in Surabaya (in English)

4. Powering the Cities, our latest series. We believe the role of local governments is crucial in accelerating solar deployment in Indonesia. Thus, we calculated technical potential of government and commercial buildings in Jakarta and Surabaya to understand more the solar energy landscape in those cities and how we can work together with local governments to establish solar cities in Indonesia.

Jakarta has 22 MWp rooftop solar potential, while Surabaya has 36 MWp. We encourage Government of Jakarta and Government of Surabaya to tap this potential and start transitioning to low-carbon development.

Read more: Powering the Cities: Technical Potential of Rooftop Solar for Public and Commercial Buildings (Jakarta and Surabaya) (in English)

Powering Indonesia with 100% renewables, or even solar energy only, perhaps no longer a faraway dream.

Warm (pun intended) regards,

Marlistya Citraningrum
Program Manager – Sustainable Energy Access


Courtesy Call Strategic Partnership Green and Inclusive Energy ke Direktorat Jenderal Energi Baru, Terbarukan, dan Konservasi Energi

Pada tanggal 23 Mei 2019, IESR bersama Hivos, Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia (KPI), dan Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia (YLKI) yang tergabung dalam koalisi Strategic Partnership Green and Inclusive Energy melakukan courtesy call ke Direktorat Jenderal Energi Baru, Terbarukan, dan Konservasi Energi (Dirjen EBTKE) Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Pihak Dirjen EBTKE dihadiri oleh Bapak Ir. F.X. Sutijastoto, M.A. sebagai Direktur Jenderal EBTKE, Ibu Andriah Feby Misna (Direktur Bionergi), Bapak Abdi Dharma Saragih (Direktorat Aneka Energi), dan Bapak Edi Sartono (Direktorat Konservasi Energi).

IESR sebagai perwakilan koalisi yang berfokus pada advokasi kebijakan energi membuka acara dengan memperkenalkan tiap-tiap lembaga anggota koalisi dan perannya dalam koalisi. Selanjutnya tiap lembaga memberikan paparan singkat mengenai program-program yang telah dan sedang dijalankan:

  1. YLKI sebagai perwakilan lembaga konsumen memaparkan fokus kegiatan terkait energi yang dilakukan di Semarang dan Salatiga. Adanya isu bahan bakar tabung gas yang kadang mengalami kelangkaan menyebabkan YLKI melakukan edukasi dan pemberdayaan masyarakat untuk menggunakan alternatif kompor minyak jelantah. Tujuanya adalah agar sisa minyak jelantah yang banyak dihasilkan dari berbagai aktivitas masyarakat masih dapat dimanfaatkan dalam kondisi mendesak. Selain itu, YLKI juga mulai banyak mempromosikan penggunaan energi bersih dari listrik surya atap sebagai bentuk perilaku green consumer yang bertanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan.
  2. KPI sebagai perwakilan lembaga yang fokus akan isu kesetaraan gender melakukan berbagai kegiatan advokasi dan aplikatif untuk meningkatkan peran perempuan dalam pemanfaatan energi bersih. Salah satu kegiatan advokasi yang dilakukan adalah melalui forum komunikasi pada Kementrian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (KPPPA) yang bertujuan untuk membentuk strategi dan roadmap KPPPA dalam mendukung implementasi energi bersih. Sedangkan untuk kegiatan percontohan, KPI melalui partisipasi perwakilan perempuan di Semarang dan Salatiga, telah melakukan pemetaan potensi energi bersih seperti biogas dan tungku sehat hemat energi.
  3. Hivos sebagai lembaga yang meluncurkan program Strategic Partnership dan merangkul lembaga lain untuk berkoalisi menekankan bahwa program ini bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi kebijakan publik dan kesadaran masyarakat akan isu transisi energi menuju sistem energi yang lebih bersih dan inklusif. Sebagai lembaga yang berperan aktif dalam mengembangkan sektor energi bersih di akar rumput masyarakat seperti melalui Program 100% Energi Terbarukan Sumba Iconic Island, Hivos menyadari pentingnya pelibatan lembaga (CSO) dan publik dalam merumuskan kebijakan, target, dan prioritas pengembangan di sektor energi.
  4. IESR sebagai lembaga pemikir yang bergerak untuk advokasi kebijakan publik dan kolaborasi, utamanya di isu transisi menuju pembangunan rendah karbon, menginformasikan kegiatan advokasi di sektor energiyang telah dilakukan, termasuk di antaranya courtesy call ke lembaga-lembaga terkait untuk menggali potensi sinergi dan kolaborasi. IESR juga memiliki platform diskusi publik bernama Pojok Energi yang dilakukan 1-2 bulan sekali sebagai sarana edukasi publik dan menjadi ruang pertemuan pemangku kebijakan dengan masyarakat. Selain itu, IESR juga menghasilkan publikasi secara rutin yang dikemas dalam bentuk bacaan ringan berupa buletin dan Seri 10 Pertanyaan, serta publikasi hasil riset dengan topik yang lebih mendalam dan komprehensif. Dalam upaya pengembangan kapasitas mitra lainnya, IESR juga memberikan technical assistance untuk tema-tema kebijakan, praktik-praktik terbaik, hingga pengarusutamaan gender di sektor energi.

Direktur Jendral EBTKE, Bapak Sutijastoto menyambut baik program-program kolaborasi seperti ini, mengingat masyarakat dan lembaga masyarakat memiliki peran penting dalam mendorong transisi Indonesia menuju sistem energi berkelanjutan. Saat ini, fokus EBTKE dalam pengembangan bahan bakar terbarukan dilakukan melalui penggunaan bioethanol dan biodiesel. Bapak Sutijastoto juga tertarik untuk menggali potensi kolaborasi dengan SP-Energy untuk mendorong penggunaan bahan bakar energi terbarukan di skala rumah tangga. Potensi ini dapat didalami lebih lanjut dengan Direkorat Bioenergi, yang hingga saat ini telah memiliki portfolio panjang di sektor clean cooking dan clean cooking fuel. Di bidang ketenagalistrikan, Direktoray Jenderal EBTKE saat ini juga sedang melakukan inovasi pemanfaatan wood pellet untuk pembangkit listrik biomassa dan altenatif pengganti batubara (sebagian) untuk PLTU batu bara. Bila di lokasi kerja SP-Energy ada potensi limbah buang yang dapat digunakan sebagai sumber energi terbarukan, Bapak Sutijastoto juga tertarik untuk bekerja sama dengan Strategic Partnership Green and Inclusive Energy untuk meningkatkan peran dan partisipasi aktif lembaga masyarakat maupun publik dalam mendukung perkembangan energi terbarukan di Indonesia.

Hapsari Damayanti
Program Officer – Sustainable Energy Access