Kontan.co.id | Target investasi EBT tahun 2020 terancam meleset karena corona dan masalah regulasi

Rabu, 03 Juni 2020 / 18:16 WIB Reporter: Dimas Andi | Editor: Handoyo . KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Situasi pandemi Corona dan belum rampungnya regulasi membuat investasi di sektor energi baru terbarukan (EBT) masih menemui hambatan sepanjang tahun ini. Sebagai catatan, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menargetkan perolehan investasi sektor EBT di tahun 2020 sebanyak US$ 2 miliar.…

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Pojok E-Nergi: Jaring Pengaman Sosial Sektor Energi di Masa Pandemi Virus Corona

Pada 14 April 2020, Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) menyelenggarakan Seri Diskusi Daring ( online ) Pojok E-Nergi perdana, mengangkat topik jaring pengaman sosial sektor energi di masa pandemi virus corona. Pojok Energi adalah seri diskusi isu energi untuk umum yang dilakukan reguler oleh IESR sejak 2017, dan kali ini diselenggarakan secara daring.…

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The Jakarta Post | Government issues regulation to jumpstart stalled renewable energy projects

The government aims to jumpstart stalled renewable energy projects through a recently issued regulation as it races against time to catch up with Indonesia's green energy commitments. The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry issued last month a regulation that scraps the unpopular build, own, operate, transfer (BOOT) scheme. Many renewable energy players have said the…

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This Week in Asia | Asia’s next clean energy battle isn’t in China or India. It’s in Indonesia

Southeast Asia’s largest economy and democracy is approaching a demographic shift. In the next 10 years, almost half of Indonesia’s population will enter the work force. Only three in 10 people will not be of working age by 2030. Conventional poverty rates are declining, millions are moving into cities each year. The island nation’s labour…

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