Launch and Discussion of Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook 2025
Beyond Rhetoric: Delivery Decarbonization of Energy Sector in the Uncertain World
In 2024, there are Indonesian government policies intended to support the energy transition. There are several important policies such as the Revised Rooftop Solar PV Regulation, the review of the draft Government Regulation on National Energy Policy (RPP KEN) that revises the national renewable energy mix target, and the launch of the Indonesian Taxonomy of Sustainable Finance (TKBI) guidelines that need to be comprehensively assessed whether these policies have been able to strengthen energy transition readiness in Indonesia. Moreover, Indonesia will be entering a leadership transition period for the next five years, where the president-elect has expressed his commitment to strengthen national energy security through the government’s vision and mission.
In order to monitor the development and progress of the energy transition in Indonesia, as well as identify challenges and opportunities in the following year, the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) publishes a flagship report annually, the Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook (IETO). The IETO aims to provide useful insights in formulating more effective policies and strategies in achieving Indonesia’s sustainable and low-carbon energy goals.
Published since 2018, the IETO, previously titled Indonesia Clean Energy Outlook (ICEO), also aims to identify challenges and opportunities in the following year. As the seventh edition of the IETO, IETO 2025 includes policy analysis and review, technology status updates, and the energy transition ecosystem.
The launch of IETO 2025 is also intended to get views/perceptions from policy makers and actors on the trends that will occur in the coming year in the energy transition. Discussions in this meeting will highlight the energy transition process taking place in various energy sectors in Indonesia, followed by an analysis of the energy transition readiness framework and various lessons learned in 2024 to overcome challenges in promoting the energy transition in 2025.
- Review and evaluate the progress of the energy transition (fossil energy, renewable energy and energy efficiency) in Indonesia during 2024 in the context of the impact of government policies and regulations on relevant stakeholders, and review for 2025,
- Reviewing the energy transition evaluation and readiness framework in Indonesia’s power, transportation, industrial, and building sectors with policymakers and stakeholders,
- Provide a policy dialogue space for stakeholders with policy makers and business actors as well as civil society organizations in the process of formulating and implementing more sustainable energy transition policies,
- Publish IESR’s flagship report entitled Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook (IETO) 2025.
Fabby Tumiwa – Opening Remarks
Fabby-Tumiwa-Opening-RemarksRachmat Kaimuddin – Keynote Speech
Fabby Tumiwa - Direktur Eksekutif IESR
Prof. Dr. Eng. Eniya Listiani Dewi - Director General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation - Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
Dr. Raden Raditya Wiranegara – Manajer Riset IESR
Dr. Farid Wijaya - Senior Analyst in Materials and Renewable Energy IESR
Putra Maswan - Finance and Economic Analyst IESR