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Time for a Big Rethinking? A Brief Assessment on Energy Transition and Climate Ambition after Indonesia’s ASEAN Chairmanship

This policy brief assesses Indonesia’s role as the ASEAN Chair in advancing the climate and energy transition agenda within the region. It scrutinizes Indonesia’s key priorities related to the energy transition in ASEAN, evaluating the adoption of proposed initiatives. The analysis extends to the interconnection between the energy sector and climate agenda, referencing outcomes from the 41st ASEAN Ministers of Energy Meeting (AMEM) and the 17th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment (AMME). The brief identifies challenges and opportunities for accelerating progress in the energy transition in the region. Emphasizing the cross-sectoral nature of energy, it underscores the prominence of energy security under the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) pillar and highlights relevant priority economic deliverables (PEDs) linked to sustainability. These PEDs encompass the development of harmonized standards, electric vehicle ecosystems, the ASEAN Blue Economy Framework, and a Transition Financing Framework, reflecting Indonesia’s diplomatic efforts on multilateral platforms to align energy transition with international development goals.

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